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Datos personales
Nombre   Hervella Nieto, Luis María
Área conocimiento   Matemática aplicada
Categoría   Profesor Titular de Universidad
Dedicación   Total
Web personal
Grupo investigación   M2NICA

Centro Campus Teléfono Extensión

Titulación(es) Asignatura(s)

Artículos publicados
  • X. Sagartazazu, L. Hervella-Nieto, A. Prieto.
    Experimental validation of a coupled acoustic fluid-poroelastic-plate model with frontal and lateral source excitations.
    Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 0 (2024) , .

  • Philippe Destuynder, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Paula M. López-Pérez, José Orellana, Andrés Prieto.
    A modal-based Partition of Unity Finite Element Method for layered wave propagation problems.
    Computers and Structures, 265 (2022) , 106759.

  • Luis Hervella-Nieto, Paula M. López-Pérez, Andrés Prieto.
    Robustness and dispersion analysis of the Partition of Unity Finite Element Method applied to the Helmholtz equation.
    Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79 (2020) , 8 , 2426-2446.

  • Stefanie Retka, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Steffen Marburg.
    Comparison of pressure and displacement formulations for finite elements in linear time-harmonic acoustics.
    Computers and Structures, 151 (2015) , 49-57.

  • Felix Dietzsch, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Steffen Marburg, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Hannah Weisbecker.
    Physical and spurious modes in mixed finite element formulation for the Galbrun equation.
    Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (2014) , 3 , 493 - 512.

  • Xavier Sagartzazu, Luis Hervella-Nieto.
    Impedance prediction for several porous layers on a moving plate: Application to a plate coupled to an air cavity .
    Journal of Computational Acoustics, 19 (2011) , 379-394.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Pablo Gamallo, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto.
    Numerical simulation of active-passive cells with microperforated plates or porous veils.
    Journal of Sound and Vibrations, 329 (2010) , 3233-3246.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Perfectly Matched Layers for Time-Harmonic Second Order Elliptic Problems.
    Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 17 (2010) , 77-107.

  • X. Sagartzazu, Luis Hervella-Nieto, J. M. Pagalday.
    Numerical computation of the acoustic pressure in a coupled covered plate/fluid problem. Experimental validation.
    Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 96 (2010) , 317-327.

  • Erwin Hernández, Luis Hervella-Nieto.
    Finite element approximation of free vibration of folded plates.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198 (2009) , 1360-1367.

  • X. Sagartzazu, Luis Hervella-Nieto, J. M. Pagalday.
    Review in Sound Absorbing Materials.
    Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 15 (2008) , 311-342.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    An exact bounded perfectly matched layer for time-harmonic scattering problems.
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30 (2007) , 1 , 312-338.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Validation of acoustic models for time harmonic dissipative scattering problems.
    Journal of Computational Acoustics, 15 (2007) , 1 , 95-121.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    An optimal perfectly matched layer with unbounded absorbing function for time-harmonic acoustic scattering problems.
    Journal of Computational Physics, 223 (2007) , 469-488.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Numerical simulation of time-harmonic scattering problems with an optimal PML.
    Scientia. Series A. Mathematical Sciences, 13 (2006) , 58-71.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    An exact bounded PML for the Helmholtz equation.
    Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 339 (2004) , 803-808.

  • Ricardo Durán, Erwin Hernández, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Elsa Liberman, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Error estimates for low-order isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements for plates.
    SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 41 (2003) , 1751-1772.

  • Erwin Hernández, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Computation of the vibration modes of plates and shells by low-order MITC quadrilaterial finite elements.
    Computers and Structures, 31 (2003) , 615-628.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Pablo Gamallo, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Finite element analysis of pressure formulation of the elastoacoustic problem.
    Numerische Mathematik, 95 (2003) , 29-51.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    A modal synthesis method for the elastoacoustic vibration problem.
    Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 36 (2002) , 121-142.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Finite element computation of the vibrations of a plate-fluid system with interface damping.
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190 (2001) , 3021-3038.

  • Ricardo G. Durán, Elsa Liberman, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez, J. Solomí­n.
    Finite element analysis of the vibration problem of a plate coupled with a fluid.
    Numerische Mathematik, 86 (2000) , 591-616.

  • Ricardo G. Durán, Elsa Liberman, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez, J. Solomí­n.
    Approximation of the vibration modes of a plate by Reissner-Mindlin equations.
    Mathematics of Computation, 228 (1999) , 1447-1463.

  • Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodrí­guez.
    Finite element computation of three dimensional elastoacustic vibrations.
    Journal of Sound and Vibrations, 219 (1999) , 279-306.

Proyectos de investigación
  • Métodos matemáticos y simulación numérica en economía y finanzas cuantitativas, biotecnología, medioambiente e ingeniería.
  • Digital twins for fisheries with hydroacoustic data-driven techniques - DiFiHy.