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Published papers
  • Eva Balsa-Canto, Alejandro López-Nuñez, Carlos Vázquez.
    A two-dimensional multi-species model for different Listeria Monocytogenes biofilm structures and its numerical simulation.
    Applied Mathematics and Computation, 384 (2020) , 125383.

  • Eva Balsa-Canto, Carlos Vilas, Alejandro López-Núñez, Maruxa Mosquera-Fernández, Romain Briandet, Marta L Cabo, Carlos Vázquez.
    Modeling reveals the role of aging and glucose uptake impairment in L1A1 Listeria monocytogenes biofilm life cycle .
    Frontiers in Microbiology, 8 (2017) , 2118.

  • Eva Balsa-Canto, Alejandro López-Núñez, Carlos Vázquez.
    Numerical methods for a reaction-diffusion system modelling biofilm formation.
    Applied Mathematical Modelling, 41 (2017) , 164-179.