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Datos personales
Nombre   García Jurado, Ignacio
Área conocimiento   Estadística e investigación operativa
Categoría   Catedrático de Universidad
Dedicación   Total
Web personal
Grupo investigación   MODES

Centro Campus Teléfono Extensión

Titulación(es) Asignatura(s)

Artículos publicados
  • J.M. Alonso-Meijide, J. Costa, I. García-Jurado, J.C. Gonçalves-Dosantos.
    On egalitarian values for cooperative games with level structures.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 98 (2023) , 57–73.

  • Laura Davila-Pena, Ignacio García-Jurado, Balbina Casas-Méndez.
    Assessment of the influence of features on a classification problem: An application to COVID-19 patients.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 299 (2022) , 2 , 631-641.

  • Gonçalves-Dosantos, J.C., García-Jurado, I., Costa, J., Alonso-Meijide, J.M.
    Necessary players and values.
    Annals of Operations Research, 0 (2021) , .

  • C. F. Nicoletti, C. Cortes-Oliveira, N. Y. Noronha, M. A. S. Pinhel, W. S. Dantas, A. Jácome, J. S. Marchini, B. Gualano, A. B. Crujeiras & C. B. Nonino.
    DNA methylation pattern changes following a short-term hypocaloric diet in women with obesity.
    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74 (2020) , 1345-1353.

  • J.C. Gonçalves-Dosantos, I. García-Jurado, J. Costa.
    ProjectManagement: an R Package for Managing Projects.
    The R Journal, 12 (2020) , 419–436 .

  • J.M. Alonso-Meijide, J. Costa, I. García-Jurado, J.C. Gonçalves-Dosantos.
    On egalitarian values for cooperative games with a priori unions.
    TOP, 28 (2020) , 672–688.

  • J. C. Gonçalves-Dosantos, I. García-Jurado, J. Costa.
    Sharing delay costs in stochastic scheduling problems with delays.
    4OR, 18 (2020) , 457–476.

  • I. Méndez-Fernández, S. Lorenzo-Freire, I. García-Jurado, J. Costa, L. Carpente.
    A heuristic approach to the task planning problem in a home care business.
    Health Care Management Science, 23 (2020) , 556–570.

  • Ignacio García-Jurado, Luciano Méndez-Naya.
    Subgame Perfection and the Rule of k Names.
    Group Decision and Negotiation, 28 (2019) , 4 , 805-825.

  • José M. Alonso-Meijide, Julián Costa, Ignacio García-Jurado.
    Null, Nullifying, and Necessary Agents: Parallel Characterizations of the Banzhaf and Shapley Values.
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 180 (2019) , 1027-1035.

  • Isabel Méndez Fernandez, Ignacio García Jurado, Silvia Lorenzo Freire, Luisa Carpente Rodríguez and Julián Costa Bouzas.
    A Task Planning Problem in a Home Care Business.
    Proceedings, 2 (2018) , 18 , 1186.

  • A. Saavedra-Nieves, I. García-Jurado, M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro.
    On coalition formation in a non-convex multi-agent inventory problem.
    Annals of Operations Research, 261 (2018) , 1-2 , 255-273.

  • M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, A. Meca and M.A. Mosquera.
    Cooperation on capacitated inventory situations with fixed holding costs.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 241 (2015) , 3 , 719-726.

  • J.M. Alonso-Meijide, F. Carreras, J. Costa, I. García-Jurado.
    The proportional partitional Shapley value.
    Discrete Applied Mathematics, 187 (2015) , 1-11.

  • M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, A. Meca and M.A. Mosquera.
    Centralized inventory in a farming community.
    Journal of Business Economics, 84 (2014) , 7 , 983-997.

  • B. Casas-Méndez, V. Fragnelli and I. García-Jurado.
    A survey of allocation rules for the museum pass problem.
    Journal of Cultural Economics, 38 (2014) , 2 , 191-205.

  • M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, A. Meca and M.A. Mosquera.
    A new cost allocation rule for inventory transportation systems.
    Operations Research Letters, 41 (2013) , 5 , 449-453.

  • L. Carpente, B. Casas Méndez, I. García Jurado and A. van den Nouweland.
    Allocation rules for games with optimistic aspirations.
    Game Theory, 2013 (2013) , 8.

  • J. Costa, I. García-Jurado.
    Coalitional values and cost allocation problems.
    International Game Theory Review, 15 (2013) , 2 , 1340002.

  • J. González-Díaz, F. Briata, I. García-Jurado, F. Patrone.
    Essential collections for equilibrium concepts.
    International Journal of Game Theory, 41 (2012) , 517-552.

  • M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, A. Meca, M.A. Mosquera.
    Cost allocation in inventory transportation systems.
    TOP, 20 (2012) , 397-410.

  • M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, M.A. Mosquera.
    Cooperative games and cost allocation problems.
    TOP, 19 (2011) , 1-22.

  • B. Casas-Méndez, V. Fragnelli, I. García-Jurado.
    Weighted bankruptcy rules and the museum pass problem.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 215 (2011) , 161-168.

  • M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, A. Meca, M. A. Mosquera .
    Cooperative game theory and inventory management.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 210 (2011) , 459-466.

  • M.L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, A. van den Nouweland.
    The truncated core for games with limited aspirations.
    International Journal of Game Theory, 39 (2010) , 645-656.

  • J. Kleppe, R. Hendrickx, P. Borm, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro.
    Transfers, contracts and strategic games.
    TOP, 18 (2010) , 481-492.

  • I. Garcí­a-Jurado, N. Llorca, A. Meca, M. Pulido, J. Sánchez-Soriano.
    Strategic absentmindedness in finitely repeated games.
    TOP, 17 (2009) , 85-95.

  • M. D. Garcí­a-Sanz, F. R. Fernández, M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, J. Puerto.
    Cooperation in Markovian queueing models.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 188 (2008) , 485-495.

  • M. A. Mosquera, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, M. G. Fiestras.
    A note on coalitional manipulation and centralized inventory management.
    Annals of Operations Research, 158 (2008) , 183-188.

  • M. A. Mosquera, P. Borm, M. G. Fiestras, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, M. Voorneveld.
    Characterizing cautious choice.
    Mathematical Social Sciences, 55 (2008) , 143-155.

  • M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, Anne van den Nouweland.
    Interval values for strategic games in which players cooperate.
    Theory and Decision, 65 (2008) , 253-269.

  • I. Garcí­a-Jurado.
    Comments on: Transversality of the Shapley value.
    TOP, 16 (2008) , 51-53.

  • I. Garcí­a Jurado.
    Otro Nobel para la teorí­a de juegos.
    Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 22 (2006) , 2 , 27-30.

  • I. Garcí­a Jurado, J. González.
    The role of commintment in repeated games.
    Optimization, 55 (2006) , 541-553.

  • I. Garcí­a Jurado, A. Villar, J. González.
    A non-cooperative approach to bankruptcy problems.
    Spanish Economic Review, 8 (2006) , 189-197.

  • M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, Anne van den Nouweland.
    The Shapley valuation function for strategic games in which players cooperate.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 63 (2006) , 435-442.

  • I. Garcí­a-Jurado.
    Robert Aumann.
    Informest. Boletín da Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e da Investigación Operativa, 26 (2006) , 6-7.

  • M. L. Carpente Rodrí­guez, B. Casas Méndez, I. Garcí­a Jurado, A. van den Nouweland.
    Values for strategic games in which players cooperate .
    International Journal of Game Theory, 33 (2005) , 397-419.

  • F. R. Fernández, G. Fiestras, I. García Jurado, J. Puerto.
    Competition and cooperation in non-centralized linear production games.
    Annals of Operations Research, 137 (2005) , 91-100.

  • I. García Jurado.
    Nobel a la teoría de juegos.
    La Voz de Galicia, 0 (2005) , .

  • I. García Jurando, J. Méndez Naya, C. Sánchez Sellero.
    Density Estimation using Game Theory.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 59 (2004) , 349-357.

  • V. Fragnelli, I. García Jurado, L. Méndez Naya.
    A note on bus games.
    Economics Letters, 82 (2004) , 99-106.

  • A. Meca, J. Timmer, I. García Jurado, P. Borm.
    Inventory games.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 156 (2004) , 127-139.

  • A. Meca, I. García Jurado, P. Borm.
    Cooperation and competition in inventory games.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 57 (2003) , 481-497.

  • I. García Jurado.
    The work of Stef Tijs in game theory.
    Trabajos I+D del Centro de Investigación Operativa. Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, 0 (2003) , .

  • I. García Jurado.
    Los números de la política.
    Informest. Boletín da Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e da Investigación Operativa, 20 (2003) , 3.

  • I. García Jurado.
    Informest. Boletín da Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e da Investigación Operativa, 17 (2002) , 4-5.

  • H. Norde, V. Fragnelli, I. García Jurado, F. Patrone, S. Tijs.
    Balancedness of infrastructure cost games.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 136 (2002) , 635-654.

  • J. Puerto, I. García Jurado, F. R. Fernández.
    On the core of a class of location games.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 54 (2001) , 373-385.

  • J. Sánchez Soriano, M. A. López, I. García Jurado.
    On the core of transportation games..
    Mathematical Social Sciences, 41 (2001) , 215-225.

  • B. Casas Méndez, I. García Jurado.
    As matemáticas como instrumento para a toma de decisións.
    Boletín das Ciencias. Boletín da Asociación dos Ensinantes de Ciencias de Galicia (ENCIGA), 45 (2001) , 35-65.

  • B. Casas Méndez, I. Garcí­a Jurado, A. van den Nouweland, M. Vázquez Brage.
    An extension of the t-value to games with coalition structures.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 148 (2001) , 494-513.

  • L. Méndez Naya, I. García Jurado, F. Patrone.
    Unilateral commitments in finitely repeated games.
    International Game Theory Review, 2 (2000) , 129-139.

  • V. Fragnelli, I. García Jurado, L. Méndez Naya.
    On shortest path games.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 52 (2000) , 251-264.

  • M. G. Fiestras Janeiro, I. García Jurado, J. Puerto.
    The concept of proper solution in linear programming.
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 106 (2000) , 511-525.

  • A. Faíña Medín, I. García Jurado, L. Méndez Naya, J. Méndez Naya.
    Unilateral Commitment in the Finitely Repeated Prisioners' Dilemma.
    Annals of Operations Research, 84 (1998) , 187-194.

  • A. Meca Martínez, J. Sánchez Soriano, I. García Jurado, S. Tijs.
    Strong equilibria in claim games corresponding to convex games.
    International Journal of Game Theory, 27 (1998) , 211-217.

  • R. Cao, M. Febrero, W. González Manteiga, J. M. Prada Sánchez, I. Garcí­a Jurado.
    Saving computer time in constructing consistente bootstrap prediction intevals for autoregressive processes.
    Communications in Statistics / Simulation and Computation, 26 (1997) , 3 , 961-978.

  • M. Vázquez Brage, A. van den Nouweland, I. Garcí­a Jurado.
    Owen's coalitional value and aircraft landing fees.
    Mathematical Social Sciences, 34 (1997) , 273-286.

  • M. G. Fiestras, I. García Jurado.
    Perfectly almost strict equilibria for finite games in strategic form.
    Mathematical Social Sciences, 33 (1997) , 269-276.

  • P. Borm, I. García Jurado, J. Potters, S. Tijs.
    An amalgation of games.
    European Journal of Operational Research, 89 (1996) , 570-580.

  • M. Vázquez Brage, I. García Jurado, F. Carreras.
    The Owen value applied to games with graph-restricted communication.
    Games and Economic Behavior, 12 (1996) , 45-53.

  • B. Casas, I. García Jurado, J. M. Prada Sánchez.
    Bargaining with graph-restricted communication.
    Cahiers du Centre d'études de recherche opérationnelle, 37 (1995) , 25-41.

  • I. García Jurado, W. González Manteiga, R. Cao, J. M. Prada Sánchez, M. Febrero Bande.
    Predicting using Box-Jenkins, nonparametric and bootstrap techniques.
    Technometrics, 37 (1995) , 303-310.

  • P. Borm, R. Cao, I. García Jurado.
    Maximum likelihood equilibria in random games.
    Optimization, 35 (1995) , 77-84.

  • P. Borm, R. Cao, I. García Jurado, L. Méndez Naya.
    Weakly strict equilibrium in finite normal form games.
    OR Spectrum, 17 (1995) , 235-238.

  • G. Bergantiños, I. García Jurado.
    Estudio comparativo de diversas funciones características asociadas a un juego en forma normal.
    Investigaciones Económicas, 19 (1995) , 127-138.

  • L. Méndez Naya, I. García Jurado, J. C. Cesco.
    Perfection of Nash equilibria in continuous games.
    Mathematical Social Sciences, 29 (1995) , 225-237.

  • R. Cao, M. Febrero Bande, I. García Jurado, W. González Manteiga, J. M. Prada Sánchez.
    Un estudio de simulación comparativo de técnicas no paramétricas, semiparamétricas y Box-Jenkins para la predicción con datos dependientes.
    Estadística Española, 36 (1994) , 5-20.

  • F. Carreras, I. García Jurado, M. A. Pacios.
    Estudio coalicional de los Parlamentos Autonómicos Españoles de Régimen Común.
    Revista de Estudios Políticos, 82 (1993) , 159-176.

  • G. Bergantiños, F. Carreras, I. García Jurado.
    Cooperation when some players are incompatible.
    Zeitschrift für Operations Research (Methods and Models of Operations Research), 38 (1993) , 187-202.

  • W. González Manteiga, J. M. Prada Sánchez, R. Cao, I. García Jurado, M. Febrero Bande, T. Lucas Domínguez.
    Time series analysis for ambient concentrations.
    Atmospheric Environment, 27 (1993) , 2 , 153-158.

  • J. M. Prada Sánchez, W. González Manteiga, I. García Jurado, G. Fiestras Janeiro, M. I. Espada Ríos, T. Lucas Domínguez.
    Multivariate statistical analysis of precipitation chemistry in Northwestern Spain.
    Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 69 (1993) , 37-55.

  • A. P. Jurg, I. García Jurado, P. Borm.
    On modifications of the concepts of perfect and proper equilibria.
    OR Spectrum, 14 (1992) , 85-90.

  • I. García Jurado, E. Marchi, J. M. Prada Sánchez.
    Refinamientos del concepto de equilibrio en extensiones generalizadas de juegos finitos.
    Trabajos de Investigación Operativa, 6 (1991) , 83-92.

  • G. Bergantiños, I. García Jurado.
    A note on equalization in extensive form games.
    Games and Economic Behavior, 3 (1991) , 159-162.

  • G. Fiestras Janeiro, I. García Jurado.
    A new geometric approach to bimatrix games.
    Quaderns d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa, 0 (1991) , 15 , 299-306.

  • I. García Jurado, J. M. Prada Sánchez.
    A remark on Myerson's concept of proper equilibrium.
    International Journal of Game Theory, 19 (1990) , 11-17.

  • W. González Manteiga, J. M. Prada Sánchez, G. Fiestras Janeiro, I. García Jurado.
    Dependence between fusion temperatures and chemical components of a certain type of coal using classical, nonparametric and bootstrap techniques.
    Journal of Chemometrics, 4 (1990) , 429-439.

  • I. García Jurado.
    Un refinamiento del concepto de equilibrio propio de Myerson.
    Trabajos de Investigación Operativa, 4 (1989) , 11-21.