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Articulos en 2022

  1. Alberto P. Manzano-Herrero, Daniele Musso, Álvaro Leitao, Andrés Gómez, Carlos Vázquez, Gustavo Ordóñez and María R. Nogueiras. A modular framework for generic quantum algorithms, Mathematics, 10 (2022), 5, 785.
  2. Alfredo Bermúdez, Óscar Crego, Andrés Prieto. Upwind finite element-PML approximation of a novel linear potential model for free surface flows produced by a floating rigid body, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 103 (2022), 824-853.
  3. Álvaro Leitao-Rodríguez, Carlos Vázquez. A stochastic theta-SEIHRD model: adding randomness to covid-19 spread, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 115 (2022), 106731.
  4. Andrés Gómez, Álvaro Leitao, Alberto Manzano, Daniele Musso, María R. Nogueiras, Gustavo Ordoñez, Carlos Vázquez. A Survey on Quantum computational finance for derivatives pricing and VAR, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 29 (2022), 4137–4163.
  5. Beatriz Novoa, R. Ríos-Castro, I. Otero-Muras, S. Gouveia, Adrián Cabo, Amaro Saco, M. Rey-Campos, Manuel Pájaro, Noelia Fajar, Raquel Aranguren, Alejandro Romero, A. Panebianco, Lorena Valdés, Pedro Payo, Antonio A. Alonso, A. Figueras, C. Cameselle. Wastewater and marine bioindicators surveillance to anticipate COVID-19 prevalence and to explore SARS-CoV-2 diversity by next generation sequencing: One-year study, Science of the Total Environment, 833 (2022), 155140.
  6. Christian Fernández; Hamza Faquir; Manuel Pájaro; Irene Otero-Muras. Feedback control of stochastic gene switches using PIDE models, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022), 18, 62-67.
  7. Iñigo Arregui, Roberta Simonella, Carlos Vázquez. Total value adjustment for European options in a multi-currency setting, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 413 (2022), Article Nr. 126647.
  8. Manuel Pájaro, Irene Otero-Muras, Antonio A. Alonso. First passage times as a measure of hysteresis in stochastic gene regulatory circuits, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022), 18, 50-55.
  9. Manuel Pájaro, Noelia Fajar, Antonio A. Alonso, Irene Otero-Muras. Stochastic SIR model predicts the evolution of COVID-19 epidemics from public health and wastewater data in small and medium-sized municipalities: A one year study, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 164 (2022), 112671.
  10. María González, Hiram Varela. A posteriori error estimates for stabilised mixed finite element methods for a nonlinear elliptic problem, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 55 (2022), 706-725.
  11. Marta Benítez, Bernardo Cockburn. Post-processing for spatial accuracy-enhancement of pure Lagrange-Galerkin schemes applied to convection-diffusion equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 42 (2022), 1, 54-77.
  12. Philippe Destuynder, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Paula M. López-Pérez, José Orellana, Andrés Prieto. A modal-based Partition of Unity Finite Element Method for layered wave propagation problems, Computers and Structures, 265 (2022), 106759.
  13. Shuaiqiang Liu, Álvaro Leitao, Anastasia Borovykh, Cornelis W. Oosterlee. On a Neural Network to Extract Implied Information from American Options, Applied Mathematical Finance, 28 (2022), 5, 449-475.
  14. Vivette Girault, María González and Frédéric Hecht . A posteriori error analysis of an enriched Galerkin method of order one for the Stokes problem, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 30 (2022), 2, 85-108.