
Ondas solitarias para sistemas de Schrodinger linealmente acoplados con coeficientes inhomogéneos

Títle: “Ondas solitarias para sistemas de Schrodinger linealmente acoplados con coeficientes inhomogéneos”

Speaker: Juan Belmonte Beitia (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

Date: December, 15th 2010

Time: 17:00 h

Site: Aula Grados 2. Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference announcement

CONFERENCE: "Information, stability and dynamics in networks under institutional constraints"

Title:“Information, stability and dynamics in networks under institutional constraints”

Speaker: Federico Valenciano (Universidad del País Vasco)

Date: November, 12 th 2010

Time: 14:15 h

Site: Aula 2 .Grados 2. Facultad de Informática (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference announcement

CONFERENCE: "Aplicaciones de las proyecciones aleatorias al análisis de datos funcional"

Title :“Aplicaciones de las proyecciones aleatorias al análisis de datos funcional”

Speaker: Juan. A. Cuesta-Albertos (Universidad de Cantabria)

Date: December, 3th 2010

Time:12:00  h

Site: Classroom 2.7 (Master Statistical). Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference announcement

CONFERENCE: "Inference of the Youden index and associated threshold using parametric and non-parametric methods"

Title: “Inference of the Youden index and associated threshold using parametric and non-parametric methods”

Speaker: Elisa María Molanes López (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Date: November, 5th  2010

Time: 10:30 h

Site: Room.Graos.  Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference announcement

CONFERENCE: "The copula-graphic stimator of the survival function under dependent censoring with unknown copula"

Title:“The copula-graphic stimator of the survival function under dependent censoring with unknown copulas”

Speaker: Ingrid Van Keilegom (Université catholique de Louvain)

Date: November, 5 th 2010

Hour: 12:00 h

Site: Room.Graos. Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference announcement

Encontro de Xeometría 2010

Next 7th October 2010 will take place a seminar on Mathematics entitled "Encontro de Xeometría 2010"  in the Superior Polytechnic University College (Campus Esteiro).

For further information:


CONFERENCE: "Dimension reduction methods for high-dimensional PDEs arising in financial engineering"

Title:“Dimension reduction methods for high-dimensional PDEs arising in financial engineering”

Speaker: Prof. Christoph REISINGER (Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford)

Date: Setember, 1st 2010

Hour: 12:00 h

Site: Seminar 2.1. Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)


Conference announcement


CONFERENCIA: "Boostrap when both response and predictor are functional variables"

Title“Boostrap when both response and predictor are functional variables”

Speaker:  Frederic Ferraty (Institut de Mathematiques – Université de Toulouse)

Date: July, 6th  2010

Hour: 12:00 h

Site: Room2.Graos2. Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Anuncio de la conferencia

CONFERENCE: "A Feasible Estimator for Generalized Structured Models"

Title:“A Feasible Estimator for Generalized Structured Models”

Speaker: Stefan Sperlich (Universität Göttingen)

Date: July, 2nd  2010

Hour: 12:30 h

Site: Room2.Graos2. Faculty of Computer Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference announcement

CONFERENCE: "Un paseo por el infinito"

Title:“Un paseo por el infinito”

Speaker: Fernando Bombal

Date: April, 27th 2010

Hour: 12:30 h

Site: Auditorium. Faculty of Science (Universidade da Coruña)

Conference abstract

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