
Conference "Matemáticas para el Nanomundo"

Jesús Ildefonso Díaz Díaz, Catedrático de Matemática Aplicada. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • Date: Friday, June 22, 2018
  • Time: 11:00 hours
  • Place: Assembly Hall. Science Faculty. Campus de Elviña, A Coruña

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Philippe Vieu Conference

Conference "Dimension reduction in functional data analysis”

Philippe Vieu (Institut de Mathématiques, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)

  • Date: Wednesday, 2/11/2015
  • Time: 12:30
  • Place: "Aula de Grados", 2nd Floor, Faculty of Informatics (UDC). Campus de Elviña, A Coruña
More Information, attached file

Conferencia: "Direct Simultaneous Inference in Additive Models and its Application to Model Undernutrition"

Title: Direct Simultaneous Inference in Additive Models and its Application to Model Undernutrition.

Speaker: Stefan Sperlich (Université de Genève.)

Date: Tuesday, June, 26th 2012.

Hour: 12:00 h

Site: A.2.Graos. Facultad de Informática (Universidad de A Coruña)

Conferencia: “Approximate solution techniques for a free boundary problem arising in the diffusion of glassy polymers”

Title: Approximate solution techniques for a free boundary problem arising in the diffusion of glassy polymers.

Speaker: Sarah MITCHEL (University of Limerick. Ireland.)

Date: Monday, May, 28th 2012

Hour: 12:30 h

Site: Aula 2.6. Facultad de Informática (Universidad de A Coruña)

CONFERENCE: "Simulación numérica y aplicaciones en la arquitectura"

Title: “Simulación numérica y aplicaciones en la arquitectura”.

Speaker: ALFREDO BERMUDEZ DE CASTRO (University of Santiago de Compostela)

Date: Wednesday, March,14 th 2012

Time: 12:30 h

Site: Aula Magna. ARQUITECTURA TÉCNICA (University of A Coruña)

Neuromat 2011

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together international experts in neuroscience, and particularly in the field of mathematical and computational neuroscience, with mathematical researchers in fields such as stochastic processes, nonparametric estimation, functional data analysis as well as ordinary differential equations and partial derivates .

VIII Foro de Interacción Matemática Aplicada Industria

On this annual forum, the invited companies pose problems in their field which are likely to be treated by mathematical and numerical methods: modeling, simulation of processes and devices, computer-aided engineering (CAE), etc. Among others, there may be problems related to fluid mechanics, structural design, heat transfer, acoustics, electromagnetism, quantitative finances, etc.

Date: June 3, 2011

More information: FIMAI Page

Colloquium of the centennial of the RSME

Colloquium of the centennial of the RSME

Mathematical modeling in medicine, sports and the environment.

Alfio Quarteroni, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne




Title: "Local Gaussian Correlation. A New Measure of Dependence"

Speaker: Dag Tjøstheim

Date: February,  01th 2011

Site: Statistical Master Class (may be followed by video link from Vigo and Santiago)

Hora: 17:30

Conference announcement

Modelling Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Inner Ear

Títle: "Modelling Fluid-Structure Interaction in the Inner Ear"

Speaker: Johannes Baumgart (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)

Date: January, 14th 2011

Site: Aula 2.1. Facultade de Informática (Universidade da Coruña)

Time: 12:00

Conference announcement


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