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Professor´s Information

Personal Data
Name   Carpente Rodríguez, María Luisa
Knowledge area   Estadística e investigación operativa
Faculty position   Titular de Universidad
Dedication   Total
Personal website
Research group   MODES

Center Campus Phone Extension

Degree(s) Course(s)
Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas Trabajo Fin de Master

Published papers
  • Diego Noceda-Davila, , Silvia Lorenzo-Freire, Luisa Carpente.
    Two-Stage Optimization Methods to Solve the DNA-Sample Allocation Problem.
    Mathematics, 10 (2022) , 22 , 4359.

  • I. Méndez-Fernández, S. Lorenzo-Freire, I. García-Jurado, J. Costa, L. Carpente.
    A heuristic approach to the task planning problem in a home care business.
    Health Care Management Science, 23 (2020) , 556–570.

  • Luisa Carpente, Ana Cerdeira-Pena, Silvia Lorenzo-Freire, Ángeles S. Place.
    Optimization in Sanger sequencing.
    Computers & Operations Research, 109 (2019) , 250-262.

  • Novoa-Flores, G.I., Carpente, L., Lorenzo-Freire, S.
    Optimizing the production schedule of an agricultural cooperative: a case study.
    Engineering Optimization, 0 (2019) , 1-18.

  • Isabel Méndez Fernandez, Ignacio García Jurado, Silvia Lorenzo Freire, Luisa Carpente Rodríguez and Julián Costa Bouzas.
    A Task Planning Problem in a Home Care Business.
    Proceedings, 2 (2018) , 18 , 1186.

  • Ana Cerdeira-Pena, Luisa Carpente, Carlos Amiama.
    Optimised Forage Harvester Routes as Solutions to a Traveling Salesman Problem with Clusters and Time Windows.
    Biosystems Engineering, 164 (2017) , 110-123.

  • Carlos Amiama, Noelia Cascudo, Luisa Carpente, Ana Cerdeira-Pena.
    A decision tool for maize silage harvest operations.
    Biosystems Engineering, 134 (2015) , 94-104.

  • Amiama, C., Pereira, J., Carpente, L. & Salgado, J. .
    Spatial decision support system for the route management for milk collection from daily farms.
    Transportation Letters, 7 (2015) , 5 , 279-288.

  • Nieves R. Brisaboa, Luisa Carpente, Ana Cerdeira-Pena y Silvia Lorenzo-Freire..
    Optimization in dubbing scheduling.
    TOP, 23 (2015) , 3 , 685-702.

  • L. Carpente, B. Casas, J. Gonzálvez, N. Llorca, M. Pulido y J. Sánchez-Soriano.
    How to divide a cake when people have different metabolism?.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 78 (2013) , 3 , 361-371.

  • L. Carpente, B. Casas Méndez, I. García Jurado and A. van den Nouweland.
    Allocation rules for games with optimistic aspirations.
    Game Theory, 2013 (2013) , 8.

  • M.L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, A. van den Nouweland.
    The truncated core for games with limited aspirations.
    International Journal of Game Theory, 39 (2010) , 645-656.

  • V. Blanco, M.L. Carpente, Y. Hinojosa, J. Puerto.
    Planning for agricutural foragr harvesters an Trucks: Model, heuristiscs and case study.
    Networks and Spatial Economics Networks and Spatial Economics, 0 (2010) , 10 , 321-343.

  • M.L. Carpente, B. Casas, C. Jácome, J. Puerto.
    A model and two heuristic approaches for a forage harvester planning problem: a case study.
    Inverse Problems and Imaging, 0 (2010) , 18 , 122-139.

  • M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, Anne van den Nouweland.
    Interval values for strategic games in which players cooperate.
    Theory and Decision, 65 (2008) , 253-269.

  • M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. Garcí­a-Jurado, Anne van den Nouweland.
    The Shapley valuation function for strategic games in which players cooperate.
    Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 63 (2006) , 435-442.

  • M. L. Carpente Rodrí­guez, B. Casas Méndez, I. Garcí­a Jurado, A. van den Nouweland.
    Values for strategic games in which players cooperate .
    International Journal of Game Theory, 33 (2005) , 397-419.

  • P. Borm, M. L. Carpente Rodrí­guez, B. Casas Méndez, R. Hendrickx.
    The constrained equal awards rule for brankruptcy problems with a priori unions.
    Annals of Operations Research, 137 (2005) , 211-227.