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Research lines
Research lines
Key words
Kernel estimation Local polynomial estimation Smoothing techniques Bandwidth selection Survival analysis Goodness-of-fit tests Empirical likelihood Time series analysis Dependent data Partial linear models Censored and/or truncated data Presmoothed estimation Bootstrap method Functional data Spatial statistics Thermogravimetric analysis Bayesian inference
- Nonparametric inference
- Nonparametric density estimation
- Nonparametric regression estimation
- Nonparametric hazard rate estimation
- Smoothing parameter selection
- Resampling methods
- Goodness-of-fit tests
- Empirical likelihood
- Nonparametric relative distribution and density estimation
- Dependent data
- Time series
- Local polynomial estimation with dependent data
- Kernel estimation under dependence
- Partial linear models with dependent errors
- Irregularly observed data
- Nonparametric and semiparametric prediction
- Survival analysis
- Censored data
- Truncated data
- Presmoothed estimation
- Hazard rate and hazard function estimation
- Statistical applications to other Sciences
- Survival analysis applications in Biology and Medicine
- Applications of parametric and nonparametric estimation in Thermogravimetry
- Aplications of hazard rate estimation in Seismology
- Aplications of nonparametric classification in Malherbology
- Bayesian inference.
120903 | Data analysis |
120905 | Analysis and design of experiments |
120906 | Methods of free and nonparametric distribution |
120909 | Multivariant analysis |
120912 | Techniques of statistical association |
120913 | Techniques of statistical inference |
120914 | TTechniques of statistical prediction |
120915 | Temporal series |