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Capítulos de libros 2007

  • "Polymer Degradations and Stability"
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, 2007. ISBN: 978-1-60021-827-9
    • Autores: Cao Abad, Ricardo. Naya Fernández, Salvador. Barbadillo Jove, Fernando. Fuentes, Alberto. Artiaga Díaz, Ramón Pedro
      Título: Application of Mixture Models of The Study of Polymer Degradation by TGA
      Páginas: 91-105
  • "Advances in Information Retrieval. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNCS 4425"
    Springer, 2007. ISBN: 10-3-540-71494-4
    • Autores: J. M. Casanova, M. A. Presedo Quindimil, A. Barreiro.
      Título: Overall comparison at the standard levels of recall of multiple retrieval methods with the Friedman test.
      Libro de actas, páginas: 682-685