Alejandro Quintela del Río
Journal articles
- A. Quintela-del-Río, M. Francisco-Fernández.
River flow modelling using nonparametric functional data analysis,
Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11 (2018) S2, S902-S915.
- Quintela-del-Río, A. and Francisco-Fernández, M.
Excel Templates: A Helpful Tool for Teaching Statistics,
The American Statistician, 71 (2017) 4, 317-325.
- Ferraty, F. - Quintela del Río, A.
Conditional VaR and Expected Shortfall: a new functional approach,
Econometric Reviews, 35 (2016) 2, 263-292.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Comparing simultaneous and pointwise confidence intervals for hydrological processes,
PLoS ONE, 11 (2016) 2, 1-28.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Nonparametric analysis of high wind speed data,
Climate Dynamics, 40 (2013) 1, 429-441.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río, R. Fernández-Casal.
Nonparametric methods for spatial regression. An application to seismic events,
Environmetrics, 23 (2012) 85-93.
- M.G. Estévez Pérez, A. Quintela del Río.
Nonparametric Kernel Distribution Function Estimation. kerdiest: an R Package for Bandwidth Choice and Applications,
Journal of Statistical Software, 50 (2012) 8, .
- A. Quintela del Río.
Comparative seismic hazard analysis of two Spanish regions,
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390 (2011) 2738-2748.
- A. Quintela del Río, F. Ferraty, P. Vieu.
Analysis of time of occurrence of earthquakes: a functional data approach,
Mathematical Geosciences, 43 (2011) 6, 695-719.
- A. Quintela del Río.
On bandwidth selection for nonparametric estimation in flood frequency analysis ,
Hydrological Processes, 25 (2011) 25, 671-678.
- A. Quintela del Río, M. Francisco Fernández.
Analysis of high level ozone concentrations using nonparametric methods,
Science of the Total Environment, 409 (2011) 1123-1133.
- A. Quintela-del-Río. M. Francisco-Fernández.
Nonparametric functional data estimation applied to ozone data: prediction and extreme valyue analysis,
Chemosphere, 82 (2011) 800-808.
- F. Ferraty, A. Quintela del Río, P. Vieu.
Specification test for conditional distribution with functional variables,
Econometric Theory, 28 (2011) 2, .
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del Río, R. Fernández-Casal.
A nonparametric analysis of the spatial distribution of the earthquakes magnitude,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101 (2011) 4, 1660-1673.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Nonparametric seismic hazard estimation: a spatio-temporal application to the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula,
Tectonophysics, 505 (2011) 35-43.
- A. Quintela del Río.
Recursive kernel hazard estimation of strong mixing data,
Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 30 (2010) 2, 89-105.
- A. Quintela del Río.
On nonparametric techniques for area-characteristic seismic hazard parameters,
Geophysical Journal International, 180 (2010) 339-346.
- A. Quintela del Río.
Hazard function given a functional variable: Non-parametric estimation under strong mixing conditions,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 20 (2008) 5, 413-430.
- A. Quintela del Río.
Plug-in bandwidth selection in kernel hazard estimation from dependent data,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51 (2007) 12, 5800-5812.
- A. Quintela.
Nonparametric estimation of the maximum hazard under dependence conditions,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 76 (2006) 11, 1117-1124.
- G. Aneiros-Pérez, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Plug-in bandwidth choice in partial linear models with autoregressive errors,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 100 (2002) 23-48.
- G. Estévez, A. Quintela.
Estimación no paramétrica de la función de riesgo: aplicaciones a sismología,
Questiio, 25 (2002) 1-41.
- G. Estévez, A. Quintela, P. Vieu.
Convergence rate for automatically selected bandwidth in kernel hazard estimation from dependent samples,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 104 (2002) 1-30.
- G. Aneiros, A. Quintela.
Asymptotic properties in partial linear models under dependence,
Test, 10 (2001) 2, 333-355.
- G. Aneiros-Pérez, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Modified cross-validation in semiparametric regression models with dependent errors,
Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 30 (2001) 2, 289-307.
- A. Quintela, G. Estévez.
Nonparametric estimation of the Hazard function under denpendence conditions,
Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 28 (1999) 2297-2331.
- A. Quintela.
Nonparametric estimation of density derivatives of dependent data,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 61 (1997) 1, 155-174.
- A. Quintela, P. Vieu.
A nonparametric conditional mode estimate,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 8 (1997) 253-266.