María Amalia Jácome Pumar
Journal articles
- Blanca E. Monroy-Castillo, M. Amalia Jácome, Ricardo Cao.
Improved distance correlation estimation,
Applied Intelligence, accepted for publication.
- Yaiza R. Lueje, María Amalia Jácome, María J. Servia.
New problems for old vineyards: Mitigating the impacts of yellow-legged hornets (Vespa velutina) in a historical wine-producing area,
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 367 (2024) 108969.
- Aida Bao-Caamano, Nicolás Costa-Fraga, Laure Cayrefourcq, María Amalia Jácome, Aitor Rodriguez-Casanova, Laura Muinelo-Romay, Rafael López-López, Catherine Alix-Panabières & Angel Díaz-Lagares.
Epigenomic analysis reveals a unique DNA methylation program of metastasis-competent circulating tumor cells in colorectal cancer,
Scientific Reports, 13 (2023) 1, 15401 .
- Ana López-Cheda, Yingwei Peng, María Amalia Jácome.
Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates,
Test, 32 (2023) 467–49.
- Carolina F Nicoletti, Hamilton Roschel, Carlos Merege-Filho, Alisson P De Lima, Saulo Gil, Marcela As Pinhel, Natália Yumi Noronha, Marco Santo, Amalia Jacome, Ana B Crujeiras, Bruno Gualano, Carla Nonino.
Exercise training and DNA methylation profile in post-bariatric women: results from an exploratory study,
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, section Sport and Exercise Nutrition, 5 (2023).
- Daniel Garcia-Vicuña, Ana López-Cheda, María Amalia Jácome, Fermin Mallor.
Estimation of patient flow in hospitals using up-to-date data. Application to bed demand prediction during pandemic waves,
PLoS ONE (2023).
- Wende Clarence Safari, Ignacio López-de-Ullibarri, María Amalia Jácome .
Latency function estimation under the mixture cure model when the cure status is available,
Lifetime Data Analysis, 29 (2023) 608–627.
- Francisco Senin-Camargo, Alicia Martínez-Rodríguez, Marcelo Chouza-Insua, Isabel Raposo-Vidal, M. Amalia Jácome .
Effects on venous flow of transcutaneous electrical stimulation, neuromuscular stimulation and sham stimulation on soleus muscle. A randomized crossover study in healthy subjects,
Medicine, 101 (2022) 35, e30121.
- Safari, W. C., López-de-Ullibarri, I., Jácome, M. A.
Nonparametric kernel estimation of the probability of cure in a mixture cure model when the cure status is partially observed,
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31 (2022) 11, .
- Sandra Martínez-Bustelo, Asunción Ferri-Morales, Lis Corral-Gómez, Fernando J. Castillo-García, Vanessa Castro Varela, M. Amalia Jacome.
Transabdominal ultrasound to assess the displacement of the bladder base during abdominal and pelvic floor contractions in continent parous versus nulliparous women,
International Urogynecology Journal, 33 (2022) 2257–2266.
- Tamara Pazos, Patricia Álvarez-Figueiró, Jose A. Cortés-Vázquez, María Amalia Jácome, María J. Servia.
Of fears and budgets: Strategies of control in Vespa velutina invasion and lessons for best management practices,
Environmental Management (2022).
- Ana B. Crujeiras, Andrea G. Izquierdo, David Primo, Fermin I. Milagro, Ignacio Sajoux, Amalia Jácome, Alfredo Fernandez-Quintela, María P. Portillo, J.Alfredo Martínez, Miguel A. Martinez-Olmos, Daniel de Luis, Felipe F. Casanueva .
Epigenetic landscape in blood leukocytes following ketosis and weight loss induced by a very low calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) in patients with obesity,
Clinical Nutrition, 40 (2021) 6, 3959-3972.
- Ana López-Cheda, M. Amalia Jácome, Ignacio López-de-Ullibarri.
npcure: An R Package for Nonparametric Inference in Mixture Cure Models,
The R Journal, 13 (2021) 1, 21-41.
- Ana López-Cheda, María-Amalia Jácome, Ricardo Cao, Pablo M. De Salazar.
Estimating lengths-of-stay of hospitalized COVID-19 patients using a non-parametric model: a case study in Galicia (Spain),
Epidemiology and Infection, 149 (2021) 102, 1-8.
- S. Sanegre, N. Eritja, C. de Andrea, J. Díaz-Martín, Á. Díaz-Lagares, M. Amalia Jácome, C. Salguero-Aranda, D.García-Ros, B. Davidson, R. López, I. Melero, S. Navarro, S. Ramon Y Cajal, E. De Álava, X. Matias-Guiu, R. Noguera.
Characterizing the invasive tumor front of aggressive uterine adenocarcinoma and leiomyosarcoma,
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2021) 670185.
- Wende Clarence Safari, Ignacio López-de-Ullibarri, María Amalia Jácome.
A product limit estimator of the conditional survival function when cure status is partially known,
Biometrical Journal, 63 (2021) 5, 984-1005.
- Ana López-Cheda, M. Amalia Jácome, Ingrid Van Keilegom, Ricardo Cao.
Nonparametric covariate hypothesis tests for the cure rate in mixture cure models,
Statistics in Medicine, 39 (2020) 17, 2291-2307.
- C. F. Nicoletti, C. Cortes-Oliveira, N. Y. Noronha, M. A. S. Pinhel, W. S. Dantas, A. Jácome, J. S. Marchini, B. Gualano, A. B. Crujeiras & C. B. Nonino.
DNA methylation pattern changes following a short-term hypocaloric diet in women with obesity,
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74 (2020) 1345-1353.
- C. F. Nicoletti, C. Cortes-Oliveira, N. Y. Noronha, M. A. S. Pinhel, W. S. Dantas, A. Jácome, J. S. Marchini, B. Gualano, A. B. Crujeiras & C. B. Nonino.
Altered pathways in methylome and transcriptome longitudinal analysis of normal weight and bariatric surgery women,
Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 6515.
- Elena Madinabeitia-Mancebo, Antonio Madrid, Amalia Jácome, Javier Cudeiro, Pablo Arias.
Temporal dynamics of muscle, spinal and cortical excitability and their association with kinematics during three minutes of maximal-rate finger tapping,
Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 3166.
- Fermin Naranjo-Cinto; Giezi Falcon-Machado; Alejandro Garrido-Marin; Francisco José Senin-Camargo; Maria Amalia Jácome-Pumar; Ruben Fernandez-Matias; Daniel Pecos-Martin; Tomas Gallego-Izquierdo.
Inter-and Intra-Examiner Reliability of Supraspinatus Muscle Tendon Palpation: A Cross-Sectional Study by Ultrasonography,
Medicina, 56 (2020) 2, 83.
- Alicia Martínez-Rodríguez, Francisco Senin-Camargo, Isabel Raposo-Vidal, Marcelo Chouza-Insua, Beatriz Rodríguez-Romero y M. Amalia Jácome.
Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation via peroneal nerve or soleus muscle on venous flow: A randomized cross-over study in healthy subjects,
Medicine, 97 (2018) 36, e12084.
- Rosa Fernández, Antonio Guillamon, Joselyn Cortés-Cortés, Esther Gómez-Gil, Amalia Jácome, Isabel Esteva, MariCruz Almaraz, Mireia Mora, Gloria Aranda, Eduardo Pásaro.
Molecular basis of Gender Dysphoria: androgen and estrogen receptor interaction,
Psychoneuroendocrinology , 98 (2018) 161-167.
- A. López-Cheda, Maria Amalia Jácome, Ricardo Cao.
Nonparametric latency estimation for mixture cure models,
Test, 26 (2017) 2, 353-376.
- A. López-Cheda, R. Cao, M.A. Jácome, I. Van Keilegom.
Nonparametric incidence estimation and bootstrap bandwidth selection in mixture cure models,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 105 (2017) 144-165.
- Bandyopadhyay, D. and Jácome, M.A.
Comparing conditional survival functions with missing population marks in a competing risks model,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 95 (2016) 150-160.
- Jácome, M.A and López-de-Ullibarri, I.
Bandwidth selection for the presmoothed logrank test,
Statistics and Probability Letters, 117 (2016) 151-157.
- Robles-García, V. Corral-Bergantiños, Y., Espinosa , N., Jácome, M.A., García-Sancho, C., Cudeiro, J. and Arias P.
Spatiotemporal Gait Patterns During Overt and Covert Evaluation in Patients With Parkinson´s Disease and Healthy Subjects: Is There a Hawthorne Effect?,
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 31 (2015) 3, 189-194.
- M. A. Jácome, I. López-de-Ullibarri.
Logrank-type tests with presmoothing,
Biometrical Journal, 56 (2014) 5, 851-866.
- I. López-de-Ullibarri, M.A. Jácome.
survPresmooth: An R Package for Presmoothed Estimation in Survival Analysis,
Journal of Statistical Software, 54 (2013) 11, 1-26.
- S. Naya, R. Cao, A. Jácome, I. López-de-Ullibarri, M. Oliveira and S. Muñoz.
An introduction to the estimation of the Reliability, Availability and Maintainability of a submarine using Monte Carlo simulation,
Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources (2013) 761-767.
- M. A. Jácome, M. C. Iglesias.
Presmoothed estimation of the density function with truncated and censored data,
Statistics, 44 (2010) 3, 217-234.
- M.A. Jácome, D. Bandyopadhyay.
Nonparametric estimation of conditional cumulative hazards for missing population marks,
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 52 (2010) 1, 75-91.
- M.A. Jácome, I. Gijbels, R. Cao.
Comparison of presmoothing methods in kernel density estimation under censoring,
Computational Statistics, 23 (2008) 381-406.
- M.A. Jácome, M.C. Iglesias.
Presmoothed estimation with left truncated and right censored data,
Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 37 (2008) 2964-2983.
- M.A. Jácome, R. Cao.
Strong representation of the presmoothed quantile function estimator for censored data,
Statistica Neerlandica, 62 (2008) 425-440.
- M.A. Jácome, R. Cao .
Asymptotic-based bandwidth selection for the presmoothed density estimator with censored data,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 20 (2008) 483-506.
- M. A. Jácome, R. Cao.
Almost sure asymptotic representation for the presmoothed distribution and density estimators for censored data,
Statistics, 41 (2007) 517-534.
- R. Cao, M. A. Jácome.
Presmoothed kernel density estimator for censored data,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 16 (2004) 289-309.