Journal articles
- X. Sagartazazu, L. Hervella-Nieto, A. Prieto.
Experimental validation of a coupled acoustic fluid-poroelastic-plate model with frontal and lateral source excitations,
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (2024).
- Philippe Destuynder, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Paula M. López-Pérez, José Orellana, Andrés Prieto.
A modal-based Partition of Unity Finite Element Method for layered wave propagation problems,
Computers and Structures, 265 (2022) 106759.
- Luis Hervella-Nieto, Paula M. López-Pérez, Andrés Prieto.
Robustness and dispersion analysis of the Partition of Unity Finite Element Method applied to the Helmholtz equation,
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79 (2020) 8, 2426-2446.
- Stefanie Retka, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Steffen Marburg.
Comparison of pressure and displacement formulations for finite elements in linear time-harmonic acoustics,
Computers and Structures, 151 (2015) 49-57.
- Felix Dietzsch, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Steffen Marburg, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Hannah Weisbecker.
Physical and spurious modes in mixed finite element formulation for the Galbrun equation,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (2014) 3, 493 - 512.
- Xavier Sagartzazu, Luis Hervella-Nieto.
Impedance prediction for several porous layers on a moving plate: Application to a plate coupled to an air cavity ,
Journal of Computational Acoustics, 19 (2011) 379-394.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Perfectly Matched Layers for Time-Harmonic Second Order Elliptic Problems,
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 17 (2010) 77-107.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Pablo Gamallo, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto.
Numerical simulation of active-passive cells with microperforated plates or porous veils,
Journal of Sound and Vibrations, 329 (2010) 3233-3246.
- X. Sagartzazu, Luis Hervella-Nieto, J. M. Pagalday.
Numerical computation of the acoustic pressure in a coupled covered plate/fluid problem. Experimental validation,
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 96 (2010) 317-327.
- Erwin Hernández, Luis Hervella-Nieto.
Finite element approximation of free vibration of folded plates,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198 (2009) 1360-1367.
- X. Sagartzazu, Luis Hervella-Nieto, J. M. Pagalday.
Review in Sound Absorbing Materials,
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 15 (2008) 311-342.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Validation of acoustic models for time harmonic dissipative scattering problems,
Journal of Computational Acoustics, 15 (2007) 1, 95-121.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
An optimal perfectly matched layer with unbounded absorbing function for time-harmonic acoustic scattering problems,
Journal of Computational Physics, 223 (2007) 469-488.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
An exact bounded perfectly matched layer for time-harmonic scattering problems,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30 (2007) 1, 312-338.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Numerical simulation of time-harmonic scattering problems with an optimal PML,
Scientia. Series A. Mathematical Sciences, 13 (2006) 58-71.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Andrés Prieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
An exact bounded PML for the Helmholtz equation,
Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 339 (2004) 803-808.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Pablo Gamallo, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Finite element analysis of pressure formulation of the elastoacoustic problem,
Numerische Mathematik, 95 (2003) 29-51.
- Erwin Hernández, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Computation of the vibration modes of plates and shells by low-order MITC quadrilaterial finite elements,
Computers and Structures, 31 (2003) 615-628.
- Ricardo Durán, Erwin Hernández, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Elsa Liberman, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Error estimates for low-order isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements for plates,
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 41 (2003) 1751-1772.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
A modal synthesis method for the elastoacoustic vibration problem,
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 36 (2002) 121-142.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Finite element computation of the vibrations of a plate-fluid system with interface damping,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 190 (2001) 3021-3038.
- Ricardo G. Durán, Elsa Liberman, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez, J. Solomín.
Finite element analysis of the vibration problem of a plate coupled with a fluid,
Numerische Mathematik, 86 (2000) 591-616.
- Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez.
Finite element computation of three dimensional elastoacustic vibrations,
Journal of Sound and Vibrations, 219 (1999) 279-306.
- Ricardo G. Durán, Elsa Liberman, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez, J. Solomín.
Approximation of the vibration modes of a plate by Reissner-Mindlin equations,
Mathematics of Computation, 228 (1999) 1447-1463.