Mario Francisco Fernández
Journal articles
Daniel Barreiro-Ures, Ricardo Cao, Mario Francisco-Fernández. Bagging cross-validated bandwidth selection in nonparametric regression estimation with applications to large-sized samples (paper and supplementary materials), preprint.
- Fernández-Casal, R., Castillo-Páez, S., Francisco-Fernández, M.
Nonparametric Conditional Risk Mapping Under Heteroscedasticity,
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 29 (2024) 56-72.
- Meilán-Vila, A., Crujeiras, R. M., Francisco-Fernández, M..
Nonparametric estimation for a functional-circular regression model,
Statistical Papers, 65 (2024) 945–974.
- Antonio Meneses, Salvador Naya, Mario Francisco Fernández, Jorge López Beceiro, Carlos Gracia Fernández, Javier Tarrío Saavedra.
TTS package: Computational tools for the application of the Time Temperature Superposition principle,
Heliyon, 9 (2023) 5, e15816.
- Meilán-Vila, A., Francisco-Fernández, M., Crujeiras, R.M.
Goodness-of-fit tests for parametric regression models with circular response,
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92 (2022) 9, 1941-1963.
- Daniel Barreiro-Ures, Ricardo Cao, Mario Francisco-Fernández y Jeffrey D. Hart.
Bagging cross-validated bandwidths with application to Big Data,
Biometrika, 108 (2021) 4, 981-988.
- Meilán-Vila, A., Crujeiras, R.M., Francisco-Fernández, M..
Nonparametric estimation of circular trend surfaces with application to wave directions,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35 (2021) 923–939.
- Meilán-Vila, A., Fernández-Casal, R., Crujeiras, R.M., Francisco-Fernández, M.
A computational validation for nonparametric assessment of spatial trends,
Computational Statistics, 36 (2021) 2939–2965.
- Meilán-Vila, A., Francisco-Fernández, M., Crujeiras, R. M., Panzera, A.
Nonparametric multiple regression estimation for circular response,
Test, 30 (2021) 650-672.
- Andrea Meilán-Vila, Jean D. Opsomer, Mario Francisco-Fernández, Rosa M. Crujeiras.
A goodness-of-fit test for regression models with spatially correlated errors,
Test, 29 (2020) 728–749.
- Beatriz Remeseiro, Javier Tarrío Saavedra, Mario Francisco-Fernández , Manuel G. Penedo, Salvador Naya, Ricardo Cao.
Automatic detection of defective crankshafts by image analysis and supervised classification,
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105 (2019) 9, 3761-3777.
- Daniel Barreiro-Ures, Mario Francisco-Fernández, Ricardo Cao, Basilio B. Fraguela, Ramón Doallo, Miguel Reyes.
Analysis of interval-grouped data in weed science: The 2 binnednp Rcpp package,
Ecology and Evolution, 9 (2019) 10903-10915.
- Miguel Reyes, Mario Francisco-Fernández, Ricardo Cao, Daniel Barreiro-Ures.
Kernel distribution estimation for grouped data,
SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 43 (2019) 2, 259-288.
- A. Quintela-del-Río, M. Francisco-Fernández.
River flow modelling using nonparametric functional data analysis,
Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11 (2018) S2, S902-S915.
- Fernández-Casal, R., Castillo-Páez, S., Francisco-Fernández, M.
Nonparametric geostatistical risk mapping,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32 (2018) 675-684.
- G. D. Berentsen, R. Cao, M. Francisco-Fernández, D. Tjøstheim.
Some properties of local Gaussian correlation and other nonlinear dependence measures,
Journal of Time Series Analysis, 38 (2017) 2, 352-380.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Naya, J. López-Beceiro, R. Artiaga.
Statistical classification of early and late wood through the growth rings using thermogravimetric analysis,
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 127 (2017) 1, 499-506.
- Miguel Reyes, Mario Francisco-Fernández, Ricardo Cao.
Bandwidth selection in kernel density estimation for interval-grouped data,
Test, 26 (2017) 3, 527-545.
- Quintela-del-Río, A. and Francisco-Fernández, M.
Excel Templates: A Helpful Tool for Teaching Statistics,
The American Statistician, 71 (2017) 4, 317-325.
- J.L. Gonzalez-Andujar, M. Francisco-Fernandez, R. Cao, M. Reyes, J.M. Urbano, F. Forcella, F. Bastida.
A comparative study between non-linear regression and non-parametric approaches for modelling Phalaris paradoxa seedling emergence,
Weed Research, 56 (2016) 367-376.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Comparing simultaneous and pointwise confidence intervals for hydrological processes,
PLoS ONE, 11 (2016) 2, 1-28.
- M. Reyes, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Cao.
Nonparametric kernel density estimation for general grouped data,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28 (2016) 2, 235-249.
- Mario Francisco-Fernández, Javier Tarrío-Saavedra, Salvador Naya, Jorge López-Beceiro, Ramón Artiaga.
Classification of wood using diferential thermogravimetric analysis,
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 120 (2015) 1, 541-551.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Artiaga.
Simulation Study for Generalized Logistic Function in Thermal Data Modelling,
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 118 (2014) 2, 1253 - 1268.
- Naya, S., Tarrío-Saavedra. J., López-Beceiro, J., Francisco Fernández, M., Flores, M. y Artiaga, R.
Statistical functional approach for interlaboratory studies with thermal data,
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 118 (2014) 2, 1229-1243.
- R. Fernández-Casal, M. Francisco-Fernández.
Nonparametric bias-corrected variogram estimation under non-constant trend,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 28 (2014) 5, 1247-1259.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, M. Francisco-Fernández, S. Naya, J. López-Beceiro, C. Gracia-Fernández, R. Artiaga.
Wood identification using Pressure DSC data,
Journal of Chemometrics, 27 (2013) 475-487.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Nonparametric analysis of high wind speed data,
Climate Dynamics, 40 (2013) 1, 429-441.
- R. Cao, M. Francisco-Fernandez, A. Anand, F. Bastida, J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar.
Modeling Bromus diandrus seedling emergence using nonparametric estimation,
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics (2013) 18, 64-68.
- S. Naya, R.Cao, M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, H. Brage and C. Cancelo.
Estimating Water and Solid Impurities in Jet Fuel from ISO Codes,
Energy & Fuels, 27 (2013) 12, 7858–7867.
- J.D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernández, X. Li.
Model-based nonparametric variance estimation for systematic sampling,
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Theory and Applications (2012) 39, 528-542.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río, R. Fernández-Casal.
Nonparametric methods for spatial regression. An application to seismic events,
Environmetrics, 23 (2012) 85-93.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra,A. Mallik, S. Naya.
A comprehensive classification of wood from thermogravimetric curves,
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 118 (2012) 159-172.
- A. Quintela del Río, M. Francisco Fernández.
Analysis of high level ozone concentrations using nonparametric methods,
Science of the Total Environment, 409 (2011) 1123-1133.
- A. Quintela-del-Río. M. Francisco-Fernández.
Nonparametric functional data estimation applied to ozone data: prediction and extreme valyue analysis,
Chemosphere, 82 (2011) 800-808.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Naya, M. Francisco-Fernández, J. López-Beceiro, R. Artiaga.
Functional nonparametric classification of wood species from thermal data ,
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 104 (2011) 87-100.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Naya, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Artiaga y J. López-Beceiro.
Application of functional ANOVA to the study of thermal stability of micro-nano silica epoxy composites,
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 105 (2011) 114-124.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del Río, R. Fernández-Casal.
A nonparametric analysis of the spatial distribution of the earthquakes magnitude,
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101 (2011) 4, 1660-1673.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río.
Nonparametric seismic hazard estimation: a spatio-temporal application to the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula,
Tectonophysics, 505 (2011) 35-43.
- Mallik, A., Tarrío-Saavedra J., Francisco-Fernández M. and Naya S..
Classification of wood micrographs by image segmentation,
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 107 (2011) 351-362.
- R. Cao, M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Anand, F. Bastida y J. L. González-Andújar.
Computing statistical indices for hydrothermal times using weed emergence data,
Journal of Agricultural Science (2011) 149, 701-712.
- J. D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernández.
Finding Local Departures from a Parametric Model Using Nonparametric Regression,
Statistical Papers, 51 (2010) 69-84.
- R. Cao, M. Francisco-Fernández, E. J. Quinto.
A random effect multiplicative heteroscedastic model for bacterial growth,
BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (2010) 77.
- S. Naya, M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro.
New Statistical Functional nonparametric methods for study of nanomaterials,
World Journal of Engineering, 7 (2010) 3, 853-854.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar-Fernández.
Two tests for heteroscedasticity in nonparametric regression,
Computational Statistics, 24 (2009) 145-163.
- F. López-Granados, J. M. Peña-Barragán, M. Jurado-Expósito, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Cao, A. Alonso-Betanzos, O. Fontenla-Romero.
Multispectral classification of grass weeds and wheat (Triticum durum) crop using linear and nonparametric functional discriminant analysis, and neural networks,
Weed Research, 48 (2008) 28-37.
- J.M. Vilar-Fernández, M. Francisco-Fernández.
Nonparametric estimation of the conditional variance function with correlated errors,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 18 (2006) 4-6, 375-391.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, M. Jurado-Expósito, J. D. Opsomer, F. López-Granados.
A nonparametric analysis of the distribution of "Convolvulus arvensis" in wheat-sunflower rotations,
Environmetrics, 17 (2006) 849-860.
- J. M. Matías, W. González-Manteiga, M. Francisco-Fernández, C. Ordóñez.
Variography for model selection in local polynomial regression with spatial data,
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 4 (2005) 3, 237-252.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar.
Bandwidth selection for the local polynomial estimator under dependence: a simulation study,
Computational Statistics, 20 (2005) 4, 539-558.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Opsomer.
Smoothing parameter selection methods for nonparametric regression with spatially correlated errors,
Canadian Journal of Statistics / Revue canadienne de statistique, 33 (2005) 279-295.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar.
Weighted local nonparametric regression with dependent errors: study of real private residential fixed investment in the USA,
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 7 (2004) 1, 69-93.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Opsomer, J. M. Vilar.
A plug-in bandwidth selector for local polynomial regression estimator with correlated errors,
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 16 (2004) 1-2, 127-151.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar, J. A. Vilar.
On the uniform strong consistency of local polynomial regression under dependence conditions,
Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 32 (2003) 12, 2441-2463.
- J. M. Vilar, M. Francisco-Fernández.
Local polynomial regression smoothers with AR-error structure,
Test, 11 (2002) 2, 439-464.
- M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar.
Local polynomial regression estimation with correlated errors,
Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 30 (2001) 7, 1271-1293.