Journal articles
- Eduardo García Río, Sandra Gavino Fernández, Miguel Brozos Vázquez.
Locally conformally flat Lorentzian quasi-Einstein manifolds,
Monatshefte für Mathematik, 173 (2014) 2, 175-186.
- Brozos-Vázquez, M.; García-Río, E.; Gilkey, P.; Vázquez-Lorenzo, R..
Homogeneous 4-Dimensional Kähler–Weyl Structures,
Results in Mathematics, 64 (2013) 3, 357-369.
- Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Gilkey, Peter.
Complex Osserman Kähler manifolds in dimension four,
Forum Mathematicum , 25 (2013) 2, 313-336.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, E. García Río, S. Gavino Fernández..
Locally conformally flat Lorentzian gradient Ricci solitons,
Journal of Geometric Analysis , 23 (2013) 3, 1196-1212.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, E. Merino.
Equivalence between the Osserman condition and the Rakic duality principle in dimension 4,
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 62 (2012) 12, 2346-2352.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, G. Calvaruso, E. García Río, S. Gavino Fernández.
Three-dimensional Lorentzian homogeneous Ricci solitons,
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 188 (2012) 1, 385-403.
- M. Brozos-Vázquez, E. García-Río, P. Gilkey, L. Hervella.
Geometric realizability of covariant derivative Kähler tensors for almost pseudo-Hermitian and almost para-Hermitian manifolds,
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 191 (2012) 3, 487-502.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, E. García Río, P. Gilkey, R. Vázquez Lorenzo.
Compact Osserman manifolds with neutral metric,
Results in Mathematics, 59 (2011) 495-506.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, E. García Río, S. Gavino Fernández.
Some generalizations of locally symmetric spaces,
AIP Conference Proceedings (2011) 163, 121-126.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, P. Gilkey, S. Nikcevic.
The structure of the space of affine Kähler curvature tensors as a complex module,
Internacional Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 8 (2011) 8, 1849-1868.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, P. Gilkey, S. Nikcevic.
Geometric realizations of affine Kähler curvature models,
Results in Mathematics, 59 (2011) 507-521.
- W. Batat, M. Brozos Vázquez, E. García Río, S. Gavino Fernández.
Ricci solitons on Lorentzian manifolds with large isometry groups,
Bulletin London Mathematical Society, 43 (2011) 1219-1227.
- M. Brozos-Vázquez, P. Gilkey, E. Merino.
Geometric realizations of Kaehler and of para-Kaehler curvature models,
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 7 (2010) 3, 505-515.
- M. Brozos-Vázquez, P. Gilkey, H. Kang, S. Nikcevic.
Geometric realizations of Hermitian curvature models,
Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 62 (2010) 3, 851-866.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, P. Gilkey, H. Kang, S. Nikcevic, G. Weingart.
Geometric realizations of curvature models by manifolds of constant scalar curvature,
Differential Geometry and its Applications, 27 (2009) 6, 696-701.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, P. Gilkey, S. Nikcevic.
Geometric realizations of curvature,
Nihonkai Mathematical Journal, 20 (2009) 1-24.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, P. Gilkey,S. Nikcevic, R. Vázquez Lorenzo.
Geometric realizations of para-Hermitian curvature models,
Results in Mathematics, 56 (2009) 17, 319-333.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, E. García Río, R. Vázquez Lorenzo.
Osserman and conformally Osserman manifolds with warped and twisted product structure,
Results in Mathematics (2008) 52, 211-221.
- M. Brozos Vázquez, M. A. Campo Cabana, J. C. Díaz Ramos, J. González Díaz.
Ranking participants in tournaments by means of rating functions,
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (2008) 1246-1256.
- M. Brozos, E. García Río, P. Gilkey.
Relating the curvature tensor and the complex Jacobi operator of an almost Hermitian manifold,
Advances in Geometry, 8 (2008) 353-365.
- M. Brozos, P. Gilkey.
Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds with commuting Jacobi operators,
Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Second Series, 2 (2008) 55, 163-174.
- M. Brozos, P. Gilkey.
Complex osserman algebraic curvature tensors and clifford families,
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 34 (2008) 3, 377-702.
- M. Brozos, P. Nikcevic, U. Simon.
Projectively Osserman manifolds,
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 72 (2008) 3-4, 359-370.
- M. Brozos, B. Fiedler, E. García Río, P. Gilkey, S. Nikcevic, G. Stanilov, Y. Tsankov, R. Vázquez Lorenzo, V. Videv.
Stanilov-Tsankov-Videv theory,
Symetry, integrability and geometry: Methods and applications, 3 (2007) 1-13.
- M. Brozos, E. García Río, P. Gilkey, R. Vázquez Lorenzo.
Examples of signature (2, 2) manifolds with commuting curvature operators,
Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and Theoretical, 40 (2007) 13149-13159.
- M. Brozos, P. Gilkey.
The global geometry of Riemannian manifolds with commuting curvature operators,
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 1 (2007) 87-96.
- M. Brozos Vázquez,E. García Río, R. Vázquez Lorenzo.
Complete locally conformally flat manifolds of negative curvature,
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 226 (2006) 2, 201-219.
- M. Brozos, E. García, R. Vázquez.
Conformally Osserman four-dimensional manifolds whose conformal Jacobi operators have complex eigenvalues,
Journal of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematica, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 462 (2006) 1425-1441.
- M. Brozos, P. Gilkey.
Manifolds with commuting Jacobi operators,
Journal of Geometry, 86 (2006) 21-30.