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Congress communications 2008
1st Hipano-Moroccan days on applied mathematics and statistics (HMAMS 2008)
Tetouan (Morocco), 17 a 19 de diciembre de 2008 - Author(s): C. Calvo, M. Suarez-Taboada, C. Vázquez.
Title: Binomial trees for Markovian functional Swap Market Models: calibration and pricing of interest rate derivatives.
- Author(s): N. Calvo, J. Durany, R. Toja, C. Vázquez .
Title: Numerical methods for a coupled profile-velocity-temperature problem in polythermal glaciers.
- Author(s): C. Vázquez.
Title: Ice sheets: numerical methods for fully coupled shallow ice models.
- 5th International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications (FVCA5)
Aussois (Francia), 8 a 13 de junio de 2008
Book of records: "Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Finite Volume for Complex Applications" ( , eds). Wiley, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-84821-035-6 - Author(s): M.J. Castro, E.D. Fernández Nieto, A. Ferreiro.
Title: High order 2D schemes based on state reconstructions for non-conservative hyperbolic systems: application to bedload sediment transport.
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics / 5th European Congress on Computatational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (WCCM8 / ECCOMAS2008)
Venecia (Italia), 30 de junio a 4 de julio de 2008 - Author(s): P. Salgado, V. Selgas.
Title: Analysis of a symmetric BEM-FEM method for the 3D magnetostatic problem using scalar potentials.
- Author(s): N. Calvo, J. Durany, C. Vázquez.
Title: A new profile-temperature fully coupled model for ice sheets simulations.
- Author(s): A. Bermúdez, P. Gamallo, L. Hervella-Nieto, A. Prieto.
Title: Numerical simulation of smart cells with a frontal microperforated wall devised as sound absorbers.
- Author(s): M. Benítez, T. Chacón, M. Gómez, G. Narbona.
Title: On the solution of Navier-Stokes Equations by the PSI Method as a Non-linear Petrov Galerkin Method.
Fifth meeting of the GDR Ultrasonic
Anglet (Francia), 2 a 6 de junio de 2008 - Author(s): A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, B. Goursaud, C. Hazard and A. Prieto.
Title: Finite element computation of leaky modes in stratified waveguides.
- I Congrés de la Societé Marocaine de mathematiques Appliquées
Rabat (Maroc), de 2 a 6 de febrero de 2008 - Author(s): A. Bermúdez, M. Nogueiras, C. Vázquez.
Title: Lagrange-Galerkin methods and mixed formulations for pricing Amerasian options.
Lido-Venecia (Italia), 30 de Junio a 4 de Julio de 2008 - Author(s): N. Calvo, J. Durany, C. Vázquez.
Title: A new Profile-Temperature Fully Coupled Model for ICE Sheets Simulations.
IX Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de matematicas (ENEM)
Valencia, de 22 a 27 de julio de 2008 - Author(s): C. Vázquez.
Title: Matematicas en otros sitios.
XIII Spanish-French School of JAcques-Louis Lions on Numerical Simulation in Physics & Engineering
Valladolid, de 15 a 19 de septiembre de 2008 - Author(s): N. Calvo, J. Durany, R. Toja, C, Vázquez.
Title: Numerical methods for a thermal problem in polithermal glaciers with fixed geometry.
- Author(s): C. Calvo, M. Suárez-Taboada, C. Vázquez.
Title: Binomial trees for Markovian functional Swap Market Models: calibration and pricing of interest rate derivatives.
- Author(s): M. Suárez-Taboada, C. Vázquez.
Title: Numerical solution of a Black-Scholes model for a Ratchet-Caplet pricing based on a BGM interest rate dynamics.
- Author(s): M. Benítez, A. Bermúdez, T. Chacón.
Title: Simulación numérica de la convección natural utilizando los métodos de características y PSI.