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Artígos no 2012

  1. Eliane Bécache, Andrés Prieto. Remarks on the stability of Cartesian PMLs in corners, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62 (2012), 11, 1639-1653.
  2. Iñigo Arregui, Carlos Vázquez. Numerical solution of an optimal investment problem with proportional transaction costs, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236 (2012), 12, 2923-2937.
  3. Jacobo Lobeiras, Moises Viñas, Margarita Amor, Basilio B. Fraguela, Manuel Arenaz, José Antonio García, Manuel J. Castro. Parallelization of shallow water simulations on current multi-threaded systems, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, (2012), .
  4. M. Viñas, Jacobo Lobeiras, Basilio B. Fraguela, Manuel Arenaz, Margaria Amor, José Antonio García, Manuel J. Castro, Ramón Doallo. A multi-GPU shallow-water simulation with transport of contaminants, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, (2012), .
  5. María del Carmen Calvo-Garrido, Carlos Vázquez. Pricing pension plans based on average salary without early retirement: PDE modeling and numerical solution, Journal of Computational Finance, 16 (2012), 1, 111-140.
  6. María Suárez-Taboada, Carlos Vázquez. Numerical solution of a PDE model for a rachet-cap pricing with BGM interest rate dynamics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2012), 5217-5230.
  7. Marta Benítez, Alfredo Bermúdez. Numerical Analysis of a second-order pure Lagrange-Galerkin method for convection-diffusion problems. Part I: time discretization, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50 (2012), 2, 858-882.
  8. Marta Benítez, Alfredo Bermúdez. Numerical Analysis of a second-order pure Lagrange-Galerkin method for convection-diffusion problems. Part II: fully discretized scheme and numerical results, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50 (2012), 6, 2824-2844.
  9. Peter Monk, Virginia Selgas. Sampling type methods for an inverse waveguide problem, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 6 (2012), 4, 709-747.