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Artículos en 2010
- A. Pérez, J. M. Vilar, W. González. Nonparametric variance function estimation with missing data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, (2010) , 101 , 1123-1142.
- B. Teodorescu, I. Van Keilegom, R. Cao. Generalized time-dependent conditional linear models under left truncation and right censoring, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 62 (2010) , 465-485.
- C. Gracia-Fernández, P. Davies, S. Gómez-Barreiro, J. López-Beceiro, J. Tarrio, R. Artiaga. A vitrification and curing study by simultaneous TMDSC-photocalorimetry, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 102 (2010) , 1057-1062.
- C.A. Gracia Fernández, S. Gómez Barreiro, J. López Beceiro, J. Tarrío Saavedra, S. Naya, R. Artiaga. Comparative study of the dynamic glass transition temperature by DMA and TMDSC, Polymer Testing, 29 (2010) , 8 , 1002-1006.
- E. M. Molanes-López, R. Cao, Ingrid Van Keilegom. Smoothed empirical likelihood confidence intervals for the relative distribution with left truncated and right censored data, Canadian Journal of Statistics / Revue canadienne de statistique, 38 (2010) , 453-473.
- E. Strzalkowska Kominiak, W. Stute. The statistical analysis of consecutive survival data under serial dependence, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 22 (2010) , 585-597.
- E.Strzalkowska-Kominiak, W. Stute. On the probability of holes in truncated samples, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140 (2010) , 1519-1528.
- G. Aneiros, W. González-Manteiga, J.C. Reboredo. Semiparametric regression with a FARIMA-GARCH error process: Theory and application. Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, Advances and Applications in Statistical Sciences, 3 (2010) , 1 , 83-112.
- G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. M. Lorenzo-Freire. The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems, Social Choice and Welfare, 34 (2010) , 695-710.
- G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. M. Lorenzo-Freire. A characterization of the proportional rule in multi-issue allocation situations, Operations Research Letters, 38 (2010) , 17-19.
- I. López de Ullibarri, J. Muñiz García, A. Castro Beiras, M. Anguita Sánchez, M. Jimenez Navarro, M. Crespo, L. Alonso Pulpón, E. Teresa, E. Roig, R. Artigas, A. Zapata. Effect of a Training Program for Primary Care Physicians on the Optimization of Beta-Blocker Treatment in Elderly Patients With Heart Failure, Revista Española de Cardiología, 63 (2010) , 6 , 677-685.
- J. A. Vilar, A. M. Alonso, J. M. Vilar. Non-linear time series clustering based on non-parametric forecast densities, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54 (2010) , 2850-2865.
- J. D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernández. Finding Local Departures from a Parametric Model Using Nonparametric Regression, Statistical Papers, 51 (2010) , 69-84.
- J. Kleppe, R. Hendrickx, P. Borm, I. García-Jurado, M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro. Transfers, contracts and strategic games, TOP, 18 (2010) , 481-492.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya-Fernández, C. Gracia-Fernández, J.L. Mier-Buenhombre, R. Artiaga-Diaz. Factores influyentes en la estabilidad a la oxidación del biodiesel, DYNA, 85 (2010) , 4 , 341-350.
- J.L. Relova, S. Pértega Díaz, J.A. Vilar, E. López, M. Peleteiro y F. Ares. Effects of cell-phone radiation on the electroencephalographic spectra of epileptic patients, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, 52 (2010) , 6 , 173-179.
- J.Tarrío-Saavedra, J.López-Beceiro, S.Naya, C.Gracia, R. Artiaga. Controversial effects of fumed silica on the curing and thermomechanical properties of epoxy composites, Express Polymer Letters, 4 (2010) , 6 , 382-395.
- M. A. Jácome, M. C. Iglesias. Presmoothed estimation of the density function with truncated and censored data, Statistics, 44 (2010) , 3 , 217-234.
- M. C. Ausín, H. F. Lopes. Time-varying joint distribution through copulas, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54 (2010) , 2383-2399.
- M. García-Magariños, A. Antoniadis, R. Cao, W. Gonzalez-Manteiga. Lasso Logistic Regression, GSoft and the Cyclic Coordinate Descent Algorithm. Application to Gene Expression Data, Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 9 (2010) , 1 , 30.
- M.A. Jácome, D. Bandyopadhyay. Nonparametric estimation of conditional cumulative hazards for missing population marks, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 52 (2010) , 1 , 75-91.
- M.L. Carpente, B. Casas, C. Jácome, J. Puerto. A model and two heuristic approaches for a forage harvester planning problem: a case study, Inverse Problems and Imaging, (2010) , 18 , 122-139.
- M.L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. García-Jurado, A. van den Nouweland. The truncated core for games with limited aspirations, International Journal of Game Theory, 39 (2010) , 645-656.
- P. Galeano, M. C. Ausín. The Gaussian Mixture Dynamic Conditional Correlation Model: Parameter Estimation, Value at Risk calculation and portfolio selection, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 28 (2010) , 559–571 .
- R. Artiaga, C. Gracia, J. López-Beceiro, S. Gómez-Barreiro, J Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Naya. Temperature Modulation in Pressure DSC: A New Tool to Investigate the Pressure effect on the curing, World Journal of Engineering, 7 (2010) , 3 , 67 – 68.
- R. Artiaga, J. López-Beceiro, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. Mier, S. Naya, C. Gracia. Oxidation Stability of Soy and Palm Based Biodiesels Evaluated by Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry , Journal of ASTM International, 7 (2010) , 4 , 1-10.
- R. Artiaga, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López Beceiro, S. Naya, C. Gracia Issue. Effect of Fumed Silica on the Glass Transition of an Epoxy, World Journal of Engineering, (2010) , 2 , 484.
- R. Artiaga, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Naya, J. López-Beceiro. Virtual Filler Efect on Thermal Stability Observed by TGA, World Journal of Engineering, 7 (2010) , 3 , 125-127.
- R. Cao, M. Francisco-Fernández, E. J. Quinto. A random effect multiplicative heteroscedastic model for bacterial growth, BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (2010) , 77.
- R. Fernández-Casal, R. M. Crujeiras . Spatial dependence estimation using FFT of biased covariances, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140 (2010) , 2653-2668.
- R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal. On the estimation of the spectral density for continuous spatial processes, Statistics, 44 (2010) , 587-600.
- R.M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal, W. González-Manteiga. Nonparametric test for separability of spatio-temporal processes, Environmetrics, 44 (2010) , 382-399.
- R.M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal, W. González-Manteiga. Goodness-of-fit tests for the spatial spectral density, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24 (2010) , 1 , 67-79.
- S. Naya, M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro. New Statistical Functional nonparametric methods for study of nanomaterials, World Journal of Engineering, 7 (2010) , 3 , 853-854.
- S. Naya, R. Cao, R. Artiaga, J. Tarrío, J. López. Hypothesis Test on Parameters of Thermal Degradation Models of Materials, World Journal of Engineering, 7 (2010) , 128-130.
- S. Pértega Díaz, J. A. Vilar. Comparing several parametric and nonparametric approaches to time series clustering: A simulation study, Journal of Classification, 27 (2010) , 3 , 333-362.
- S. Sperlich, M. J. Lombardía Cortiña. Local polynomial inference for small area statistics: estimation, validation and prediction, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 22 (2010) , 5 , 633-648.
- S. Vilariño Fernández, D. Martín de Diego. Reduced Classical Field Theories. K-cosymplectic formalism on Lie algebroids, Journal of Physics. A. Mathematical and Theoretical, 43 (2010) .
- S. Vilariño Fernández, M. Salgado Seco, M. de León Rodríguez, J. C. Marrero, D. Martín De Diego. HAMILTON–JACOBI THEORY IN k-SYMPLECTIC FIELD THEORIES, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 7 (2010) , 8 , 1491-1507.
- S.M. Lorenzo-Freire, B. Casas-Méndez, R. Hendrickx. The two-stage constrained equal awards and losses rules for multi-issue allocation situations, TOP, 18 (2010) , 465-480.
- V. Blanco, M.L. Carpente, Y. Hinojosa, J. Puerto. Planning for agricutural foragr harvesters an Trucks: Model, heuristiscs and case study, Networks and Spatial Economics Networks and Spatial Economics, (2010) , 10 , 321-343.
- W. González-Manteiga, M. J. Lombardía, I. Molina, D. Morales, L. Santamaría. Small Area Estimation under Fay-Herriot Models with Nonparametric Estimation of Heteroscedasticity, Statistical Modelling, 10 (2010) , 2 , 215-239.