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Articulos en 2012

  1. C. Philips, M. García Magariños, A. Salas, A. Carracedo, M. V. Lareu. SPNs as Supplements in Simple Kinship Analysis or as Core Markers in Distant Pairwise Relationship Test: When do SPNs Add Value or Replace Well-Established and Powerful STR Tests?, Transfusion Medicine and Homotherapy, 39 (2012), 202-210.
  2. C. Phillips, M. García-Magariños, A. Salas, A. Carracedo, M.V. Lareu. SNPs as Supplements in Simple Kinship Analysis or as Core Markers in Distant Pairwise Relationship Tests: When Do SNPs Add Value or Replace Well-Established and Powerful STR Tests?, Transfusion Medicine and Homotherapy, 39 (2012), 202-210.
  3. C. Rueda and M.J. Lombardía. Small area semiparametric additive monotone models, Statistical Modelling, 12 (2012), 6, 527-549.
  4. C.A. Gracia-Fernández, S. Gómez-Barreiro, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya, R. Artiaga. New approach to the double melting peak of poly(l-lactic acid) observed by DSC, Journal Materials Research, 118 (2012), 159-172.
  5. E. Strzalkowska-Kominiak, W. Stute. Nonparametric Regression For Consecutive Survival Data, South African Statistical Journal, 46 (2012), 373-392.
  6. G. Aneiros. Comments on: Some recent theory for autoregressive count time series, Test, (2012), 21, 439-441.
  7. I. López-de-Ullibarri, P. Janssen, R. Cao. Continuous covariate frailty models for censored and truncated clustered data, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142 (2012), 7, 1864-1877.
  8. J. González-Díaz, F. Briata, I. García-Jurado, F. Patrone. Essential collections for equilibrium concepts, International Journal of Game Theory, 41 (2012), 517-552.
  9. J. López-Beceiro, C. Gracia-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, S. Gómez-Barreiro, R. Artiaga. Study of Gypsum by PDSC, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 109 (2012), 3, 1177-1183.
  10. J. López-Beceiro, C. Gracia-Fernández, S. Gómez-Barreiro, S. Castro-García, M. Sánchez-Andújar, R. Artiaga. Kinetic Study of the Low Temperature Transformation of Co(HCOO)3[(CH3)2NH2], The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 1 (2012), 116, 1177-1183.
  11. J. López-Paz, C. Gracia-Fernández, S. Gómez-Barreiro, J. López-Beceiro, J. Nebreda-Rodrigo, R. Artiaga. Study of bitumen crystalization by TMDSC and rheology, Journal Materials Research, 27 (2012), 10, 1410-1416.
  12. J. M. Vilar, J. A. Vilar. A bootstrap test for the equality of non-parametric regression curves under dependence, Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 41 (2012), 6, 1069-1088.
  13. J. Tarrío-Saavedra, C. Gracia-Fernández, J López-Beceiro, S. Naya, R Artiaga. TMDSC phase angle for a better nanocomposite interphase identification, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 109 (2012), 3, 1277-1284.
  14. J.D. Opsomer, M. Francisco-Fernández, X. Li. Model-based nonparametric variance estimation for systematic sampling, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. Theory and Applications, (2012), 39, 528-542.
  15. J.M. Vilar, R. Cao, G. Aneiros. Forecasting next-day electricity demand and price using nonparametric functional methods, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 39 (2012), 48-55.
  16. L. M. Medrano, M.García Magariños, B. Dema, L. Espino, C. Maluenda, I. Polanco, M. A. Figueredo, M, Fernández Arquero, C. Núñez. Th17-Related Genes and Celiac Disease Susceptibility, PLoS ONE, 7 (2012), 2, .
  17. M. Anguita, J:C: Castillo, M. Ruiz, F. Castillo, M. Jiménez-Navarro, M. Crespo, L.A. Pulpón, E,. Teresa, A. Castro-Beiras, E. Roig, R. Artigas, A. Zapata, I. López-de-Ullibarri, J. Muñiz. Differences in outcome of heart failure with preserved or depressed systolic funcion in patients older than 70 years who receive beta blockers, Revista Española de Cardiología, (2012), 65, 22-28.
  18. M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río, R. Fernández-Casal. Nonparametric methods for spatial regression. An application to seismic events, Environmetrics, 23 (2012), 85-93.
  19. M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Tarrío-Saavedra,A. Mallik, S. Naya. A comprehensive classification of wood from thermogravimetric curves, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 118 (2012), 159-172.
  20. M. Gelabert Besada, S. Ferreira, M. García Magariños, L. Gusmao, P. Sanchez Diz. Genetic characterization of Western Iberia using Mentype1 Argus X-8 kit, Forensic Science International: Genetics , 6 (2012), 39-41.
  21. M.G. Estévez Pérez, A. Quintela del Río. Nonparametric Kernel Distribution Function Estimation. kerdiest: an R Package for Bandwidth Choice and Applications, Journal of Statistical Software, 50 (2012), 8, .
  22. M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, A. Meca, M.A. Mosquera. Cost allocation in inventory transportation systems, TOP, 20 (2012), 397-410.
  23. M.J. Lombardía, S. Sperlich. A new class of semi-mixed effects models and its application in small area estimation, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56 (2012), 10, 2903-2917.
  24. M.V. Lareu, M. Garcia Magariños, C. Phillips, I. Quintela, A. Carracedo Alvarez, A. Salas Ellacuriaga. Analysis of a claimed distant relationship in a deficient pedigree using high density SNP data, Forensic Science International: Genetics , 6 (2012), 350-353.
  25. P. Arias, N. Espinosa, V. Robles-García, R. Cao, J. Cudeiro. Antagonist muscle co-activation during straight walking and its relation to kinematics: Insight from young, elderly and Parkinson's disease, Brain Research, 1455 (2012), 124-131.
  26. R. Cao, J. A. Vilar, J. M. Vilar. Generalized variance function estimation for binary variables in a large-scale sample survey, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 54 (2012), 3, 301-324.
  27. S. Naya, M. Ríos, L. Zapata L. La Estadística en la Enseñanza Preuniversitaria, La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 15 (2012), 2, 355-368.
  28. T. Sebio-Puñal, S. Naya, J.López-Beceiro, J. Tarrío-Saavedra, R. Artiaga. Thermogravimetric analysis of wood, holocellulose and lignin from five wood species, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 109 (2012), 3, 1163-1167.
  29. U. Toscanini, M. Garcia-Magariños, G. Berardi, T. Egeland, E. Raimondi, A. Salas. Evaluating Methods to Correct for Population Stratification when Estimating Paternity Indexe, PLoS ONE, 7 (2012), 11, e49832.