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Artículos en 2008
- A. Salas, A. Vega, R.L. Milne, M. García-Magariños, A. Ruibal, J. Benítez, A. Carracedo. The 'Pokemon' (ZBTB7) gene: no evidence of association with sporadic breast cancer, Clinical Medicine: Oncology, 2 (2008) , 357-362.
- C. Phillips, M. Fondevila, M. García-Magariños, A. Rodríguez, A. Salas, A. Carracedo, M.V. Lareu. Resolving Relationship tests that show ambiguous STR results using autosomal SNPs as suplementary markers, Forensic Science International, 2 (2008) , 198-204.
- E.M. Molanes, R. Cao. Relative density estimation for right censored and left truncated data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 20 (2008) , 693-720.
- E.M. Molanes, R. Cao. Plug-in bandwidth selector for the kernel relative density estimator, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60 (2008) , 273-300.
- F. Barbadillo, A. Fuentes, S. Naya, R. Cao, J.L. Mier, R. Artiaga. Study of the degradation of a polyesther-polyurethane by TGA and the logistic mixture model, Materials Science Forum, 587 (2008) , 525-528.
- F. López-Granados, J. M. Peña-Barragán, M. Jurado-Expósito, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Cao, A. Alonso-Betanzos, O. Fontenla-Romero. Multispectral classification of grass weeds and wheat (Triticum durum) crop using linear and nonparametric functional discriminant analysis, and neural networks, Weed Research, 48 (2008) , 28-37.
- G. Aneiros-Pérez. Semiparametric analysis of covariance under dependence conditions within each group (software disponible pulsando sobre en el enlace), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 50 (2008) , 97-123.
- G. Aneiros-Pérez, J. M. Vilar-Fernández. Local polynomial estimation in partial linear regression models under dependence, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52 (2008) , 2757-2777.
- G. Aneiros-Pérez, P. Vieu. Nonparametric time series prediction: a semi-functional partial linear modeling, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99 (2008) , 834-857.
- I. García-Jurado. Comments on: Transversality of the Shapley value, TOP, 16 (2008) , 51-53.
- I. López, R. Cao, C. Cadarso, M. J. Lado. Nonparametric estimation of conditional ROC curves: application to discrimination tasks in computerized detection of early breast cancer, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52 (2008) , 2623-2631.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya, R. Artiaga. Viscoelastic Characterization of Fumed Silica/Epoxy Composites, World Journal of Engineering, 5 (2008) , 3 , 480-483.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya, R. Artiaga. Effect of silica content on fumed silica/epoxy composites, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 93 (2008) , 12 , 2133-2137.
- J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya, R. Artiaga. Effect of silica content on thermal stability of fumed silica/epoxy composites, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 12 (2008) , 93 , 2133-2137.
- J.M. Alonso-Mejide, B. Casas Méndez, M.J. Holler, S.M. Lorenzo Freire. Computer power indices: Multilinear extensions and new characterizations, European Journal of Operational Research. 188 (2008) , 540-554.
- M. A. Mosquera, I. García-Jurado, M. G. Fiestras. A note on coalitional manipulation and centralized inventory management, Annals of Operations Research, 158 (2008) , 183-188.
- M. A. Mosquera, P. Borm, M. G. Fiestras, I. García-Jurado, M. Voorneveld. Characterizing cautious choice, Mathematical Social Sciences, 55 (2008) , 143-155.
- M. C. Ausín, Michael P. Wiper, Rosa E. Lillo,. Bayesian prediction of the transient behaviour and busy period in short- and long-tailed GI/G/1 queueing systems, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52 (2008) , 1615-1635.
- M. D. García-Sanz, F. R. Fernández, M. G. Fiestras-Janeiro, I. García-Jurado, J. Puerto. Cooperation in Markovian queueing models, European Journal of Operational Research. 188 (2008) , 485-495.
- M. J. Lombardía, S. Sperlich. A new class of semi-mixed effects models and their application in the analysis of tourist expenditure in Galicia, Social Science Research Network, (2008) .
- M. J. Lombardía, S. Sperlich. Smooth transition from fixed effects to mixed effects models in multi-level regression models, Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros. Documento de trabajo. 374 (2008) , 1-22.
- M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. García-Jurado, Anne van den Nouweland. Interval values for strategic games in which players cooperate, Theory and Decision, 65 (2008) , 253-269.
- M.A. Jácome, I. Gijbels, R. Cao. Comparison of presmoothing methods in kernel density estimation under censoring, Computational Statistics, 23 (2008) , 381-406.
- M.A. Jácome, M.C. Iglesias. Presmoothed estimation with left truncated and right censored data, Communications in Statistics / Theory and Methods, 37 (2008) , 2964-2983.
- M.A. Jácome, R. Cao . Asymptotic-based bandwidth selection for the presmoothed density estimator with censored data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 20 (2008) , 483-506.
- M.A. Jácome, R. Cao. Strong representation of the presmoothed quantile function estimator for censored data, Statistica Neerlandica, 62 (2008) , 425-440.
- M.J. Lombardía, S. Sperlich. Semiparametric Inference in Generalized Mixed Effects, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology), 70 (2008) , 5 , 913-930.
- R. Cao, W. González. Goodness-of-fit tests for conditional models under censoring and truncation, Journal of Econometrics, 143 (2008) , 166-190.
- R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández Casal, W. González Manteiga. An L2-test for comparing spatial spectral densities, Statistics and Probability Letters, 78 (2008) , 2543-2551.
- S. M. Lorenzo Freire, G. Bergantiños. A characterization of optimistic weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems , Economic Theory, 35 (2008) , 523-538.
- S. M. Lorenzo Freire, G. Bergantiños. "Optimistic" weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems, European Journal of Operational Research. 185 (2008) , 289-298.
- W. G. Manteiga, M. J. Lombardía, I.Molina, D. Morales, L. Santamaría. Analytic and Bootstrap Approximation of Prediction Errors under a multivariate Fay-Herriot model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52 (2008) , 5242-5252.
- W. González-Manteiga, M. J. Lombardía, I. Molina, D. Morales, L. Santamaría. Bootstrap Mean Squared Error of A Small Area EBLUP, Journal Statistical Computation and Simulation. 78 (2008) , 443-462.