You are herePresentations in conferences 2008

Presentations in conferences 2008

  • 19th International Festival on Game Theory
    Stony-Brook (Nueva York), de 20 a 26 de julio de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire.
      Title: The two-stage rules for multi-issue allocation situations.
    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire.
      Title: 19th International Festival on Game Theory .

  • 2008 Barcelona Conference on Asymptotic Statistics (BAS2008)
    Barcelona, 1 al 5 de Septiembre de 2008

    • Author(s): W. González Manteiga, R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández Casal.
      Title: Inference with additive models in the spectrum : assessing separability of spatial-temporal processes.

  • 2008 Seventh Mexican international Conference on Artificial intelligence (MICAI2008)
    Mexico City, Mexico, 27 a 31 de octubre de 2008

    • Author(s): A. M. Cerdeira Pena, M. L. Carpente, A. Fariña, D. Seco Naveiras.
      Title: New approaches fot the school timetabling problem.

  • 2nd International Workshop on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE'08)
    Neuchatel (Suiza), 19 a 21 de junio de 2008

    • Author(s): R. Cao Abad, J. M. Vilar, C. Ausín.
      Title: Aggregate loss models: a nonparametric approach.
    • Author(s): J. A. Vilar, A. M. Alonso, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: Nonlinear time series clustering based on nonparametric forecast densities.

  • 9th International Meeting of the Society for the Social Choice and Welfare
    Montreal, de 19 a 22 de junio de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire .
      Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems.
    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire.
      Title: The two-stage rules for multi-issue allocation situations .

  • Encuentro Teoría de Juegos - Empresa 08
    Elche (Alicante), de 11 a 12 de septiembre de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Fiestras Janeiro, M.A. Mosquera, I. García Jurado and A. Meca.
      Title: Cooperation in centralized inventory and transportation management.
    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire.
      Title: The two-stage rules for multi-issue allocation situations.
    • Author(s): L. Carpente, B. Casas, J. Gonzálvez, N. Llorca, M. Pulido, J. Sánchez-Soriano.
      Title: How to share a cake when people have different metabolism?.
    • Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo, G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo.
      Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in Minimum cost spanning tree problems.
    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire.
      Title: Encuentro Teoría de Juegos - Empresa 08 .

  • Euro Working Group on Locational Analysis (EWGLA XVII)
    Elche (España), de 17 a 19 de septiembre de 2008

    • Author(s): V. Blanco, L. Carpente, Y. Hinojosa, J. Puerto.
      Title: Solving an actual optimization routing problem for an agricultural cooperative.

  • Foro Control Estadístico de la Calidad en la Industria. CEC 2008 (nodo Cesga)
    A Coruña, 1 de Febrero de 2008

    • Author(s): S. Naya.
      Title: Fiabilidad: la otra dimensión de la calidad.

  • IAP Workshop (IAP)
    Ghent (Bélgica), del 18 al 20 de Septiembre de 2008

    • Author(s): R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández Casal, W. González Manteiga.
      Title: Testing separability with additive models.

  • International Biometrics Conference (IBC)
    Dublín, 13 a 18 de julio de 2008

    • Author(s): R. Cao, W. González-Manteiga, M. García-Magariños.
      Title: Support Vector Machine (SVM) adaptation to biallelic SNP data.

  • International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT'2008)
    Porto (Portugal), 24 a 29 de agosto de 2008

    • Author(s): J. A. Vilar, A. M. Alonso, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: Nonlinear time series clustering based on nonparametric forecast densities.
    • Author(s): G. Aneiros-Pérez y J.M. Vilar Fernández.
      Title: Prewhitening-based estimation in partial linear regression models.

  • International Seminar on Nonparametric Inference (ISNI08)
    Vigo, Noviembre del 2008

    • Author(s): J. A. Vilar, A. Alonso, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: Time series clustering based on nonparametric forecast.

  • International Workshop in Recent Advances in Time Series Analysis
    Chipre, del 8 al 11 de junio

    • Author(s): R. Cao Abad, G. Aneiros, J. M. Vilar Fernández.
      Title: Comparison of scalar and functional methods for time series prediction: a non parametric approach.

  • International WorkShop on Applied Probability (IWAP 2008)
    Compiègne (Francia), del 7 a 10 de Julio de 2008

    • Author(s): R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal, W. González-Manteiga.
      Title: Nonparametric test for separability of spatio-temporal processes.

  • International Workshop on Operational Research 2008 (IWOR2008)
    Móstoles (Madrid), del 5 a 7 de Junio de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Fiestras Janeiro, I. García Jurado, M.A. Mosquera and M. Álvarez Mozos.
      Title: Cooperation in a logistic agricultural problem.
    • Author(s): A. Meca, N. Llorca, M. Pulido, J. Sánchez Soriano and I. García Jurado.
      Title: Strategic absentmindedness in finitely repeated games.
    • Author(s): M.A. Mosquera, G. Fiestras Janeiro, A. Meca and I. García Jurado.
      Title: Cooperation in centralized inventory and transportation management.
    • Author(s): L. Carpente, B. Casas, N. Llorca, M. Pulido, J. Soriano.
      Title: Bankruptcy problems with non linear utilities of the agents.
    • Author(s): S. Lorenzo-Freire, G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo.
      Title: The two-stage rules for multi-issue allocation situations .

  • International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Modelling (METMA4)
    Alghero (Cerdeña, Italia), del 24 al 26 de Septiembre de 2008

    • Author(s): R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández Casal, W. González Manteiga.
      Title: Testing separability in spatial-temporal processes.
    • Author(s): R. Fernández Casal, R. M. Crujeiras.
      Title: Goodness-of-fit tests for the covariogram based on the FFT.

  • IV Congreso de AGAPEMA (Asociación Galega de Profesores de Educación Matemática)
    Betanzos (A Coruña), de 26 a 28 de Junio de 2008

    • Author(s): S. Naya.
      Title: Simulando o paso do tempo/pasando o tempo simulando.

  • Joint Meeting of 4th World Conference of the IASC and 6th Conference of the Asia Regional Section of the IASC on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (IASC2008)
    Yokohama (Japón), del 5 al 8 de Diciembre del 2008

    • Author(s): W. González Manteiga, R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández Casal.
      Title: Spectral methods for testing in spatial data.
    • Author(s): R. Cao, G. Aneiros, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: Functional methods for time series prediction: a nonparametric approach.

  • LACEA-LAMES 2008 annual meeting
    Río de Janeiro (Brasil), 20 - 30 de Noviembre de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo-Freire.
      Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems.

  • Sixteenth Annual International Conference on COMPOSITES/NANO ENGINEERING (ICCE - 16)
    Kumming (China), de 20 a 26 de Julio de 2008

    • Author(s): J. Tarrío-Saavedra, J. López-Beceiro, S. Naya, R. Artiaga.
      Title: Viscoelastic Characterization of Fumed Silica/Epoxy Composites.

  • Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society (GAMES2008)
    Evanston (Chigago), de 13 a 17 de julio de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo Freire.
      Title: The two-stage rules for multi-issue allocation situations .

  • VI Coloquio Regional de Estadística y I Escuela de Verano
    Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Medellín, Julio de 2008

    • Author(s): S. Naya.
      Title: Contrastes de hipótesis para modelos no lineales.

  • X Congreso Nacional de Materiales
    Donostia (San Sebastián), del 18 al 20 de Junio de 2008

    • Author(s): S. Naya, I. López-de-Ullibarri, , F. Barbadillo, J.L. Mier, R. Artiaga.
      Title: La simulación como herramienta en el estudio de la fiabilidad de materiales.

  • XVII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics
    Castro Urdiales, del 03 al 06 de septiembre del 2008

    • Author(s): N. Roman-Roy, M. Salgado Seco, S. Vilariño Fernandez.
      Title: Lie-Algebroid Formulation of k-Cosymplectic Field Theories.

  • XXXIII Economic Analysis Symposium
    Zaragoza (España), 11 - 13 de Diciembre de 2008

    • Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo, S. Lorenzo-Freire.
      Title: A characterization of Kruskal sharing rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.