You are herePresentations in conferences 2002

Presentations in conferences 2002

  • 2002 Annual Conference of the International Environmetrics Society (TIES2002)
    Génova (Italia), 2002

    • Author(s): G. Aneiros, H. Cardot, G. Estévez, F. Ferraty, P. Vieu.
      Title: Maximum ozone concentration forecasting by functinal nonparametric approaches.

  • 3ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica
    Valencia, 2002

    • Author(s): G. Estévez, H. Lorenzo, A. Quintela.
      Title: Nonparametric analysis of the time structure of seismicity in a geographic region.

  • 6th International Conference on Teaching Statistics
    Ciudad del Cabo (Sudáfrica), 2002

    • Author(s): R. Cao.
      Title: A short introduction to nonparametric curve estimation.
    • Author(s): S. Naya, R. Cao, A. Labora, M. Ríos.
      Title: A didactic proposal for Statistical and Numerical Methods, an optional course in the last year of high school in Galicia (Spain).

  • Congreso de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME2002)
    Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife), 2002

    • Author(s): M. L. Carpente, B. Casas.
      Title: Problemas de racionamiento y teoría de juegos.

  • International Conference on Current Advances and Trends in Nonparametric Statistics
    Creta (Grecia), 2002

    • Author(s): G. Aneiros, W. González-Manteiga, P. Vieu.
      Title: Estimation and Testing in Partly Linear Regression Models under Long-Memory Dependence.
    • Author(s): R. Cao, W. González-Manteiga.
      Title: Goodness-of-fit tests for conditional models under left censoring and right truncation.
    • Author(s): R. Cao, W. González-Manteiga.
      Title: Presmoothed density estimation with right censored data.
    • Author(s): M. Francisco-Fernández, J. Opsomer, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: A Plug-in Bandwidt Selector for Local Polynomial Regression Estimator with Correlated Errors.
    • Author(s): J. A. Vilar, S. Pértega.
      Title: Discriminant and Cluster Analysis for Gaussian Stationary Processes: Local Linear Fitting Approach.

  • Nonparametric Smoothing in Complex Statistical Models
    Ascona (Suiza), 2002

    • Author(s): M. Francisco-Fernández.
      Title: The generalized local polynomial regression estimator with autoregressive structure in the errors.

  • Primer Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Polímeros
    Murcia, 2002

    • Author(s): A. García-Díez, A. Varela, R. Artiaga, R. Losada, L. García-Soto, S. Naya.
      Title: Caracterización térmica y mecánica de PVCs.

  • Symposium of the International Association of Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT2002)
    Berlín (Alemania), 2002

    • Author(s): M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: Bandwidth selection for the local polynomial estimator and the generalized local polynomial estimator of the regression function under dependence: a simulation study.
    • Author(s): J. M. Vilar, W. González-Manteiga.
      Title: Testing the equality of non-parametric regression curves when the errors are correlated.
    • Author(s): J. A. Vilar, M. Francisco-Fernández, J. M. Vilar.
      Title: On the uniform strong conssitency on local polynomial regression under dependence conditions.

  • V Spanish Meeting on Game Theory
    Sevilla, 2002

    • Author(s): M. L. Carpente, P. Borm, B. Casas, R. Hendrickx.
      Title: The constrained equal award rule for bankruptcy problems with a priori unions.

  • VII Congreso Nacional de Materiales
    Madrid, 2002

    • Author(s): A. Varela, A. García-Díez, J. L. Mier, R. Artiaga, L. García-Soto, S. Naya.
      Title: Influencia de los tratamientos térmicos en el comportamiento al desgaste por abrasión de un acero al manganeso moldeado.

  • VIII Congreso Nacional de Propiedades Mecánicas de Sólidos
    Valencia, 2002

    • Author(s): R. Artiaga, M. Suárez, A. García-Díez, R. Losada, L. García-Soto, S. Naya, P. Lamas.
      Title: Estudio mecano-dinámico de distintos tipos de madera.

  • XV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica
    Cádiz, 2002

    • Author(s): S. Naya, R. Cao, R. Artiaga, A. García, I. López de Ullibarri.
      Title: Suavizado automático de curvas procedentes de análisis térmico con errores autocorrelacionados.
    • Author(s): A. García-Díez, A. Varela, R. Artiaga, S. Naya, J. L. Mier, L. García-Soto.
      Title: Comportamiento mecanodinámico de una aleación con memoria de forma.