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Presentations in conferences en 2007
- 11th Workshop on well-posedness of optimization problems and related topics
Alicante (España), 10 - 14 de septiembre de 2007 - Author(s): I. García-Jurado, J. González-Díaz, F. Briata and F. Patrone.
Title: Essentializing equilibrium concepts.
1er Seminario Internacional del Proyecto Chronos: Cambio Demográfico, Envejecimiento Activo
Pontevedra, 1 a 2 de Octubre de 2007 - Author(s): R. Fernández Casal, A. López Gónzalez, J. A. Aldrey Vázquez.
Title: Proyecciones Demográficas. Proyecto Chronos.
22nd European Conference on Operational Research. EURO XXII (EURO XXII)
Praga, 8 a 11 de Julio de 2007 - Author(s): J. Kleppe, R. Hendrickx, P. Borm, I. García-Jurado and M.G. Fiestras-Janeiro.
Title: Transfers, contracts and stategic games.
- Author(s): M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. García-Jurado .
Title: The truncated core for games with limited aspirations.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo, G. Bergantiños.
Title: Generalized obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo
Title: On a characterization of the obligation rules.
29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2007)
Roma, 2 a 5 de abril de 2007 - Author(s): J. M. Casanova, M. A. Presedo Quindimil, A. Barreiro.
Title: Overall comparison at the standard levels of recall of multiple retrieval methods with the Friedman test.
- 3rd Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory. 7th Spanish Meeting on Game Theory
Madrid, 4 a 7 de Julio de 2007 - Author(s): M.D. García Sanz, I. García Jurado, J. Puerto, F.R. Fernández and G. Fiestras.
Title: Cooperation and expected waiting times in a queue.
- Author(s): I. García Jurado, L. Méndez Naya and J. Méndez Naya.
Title: Strategic altruism in the prisoners dilemma.
- Author(s): M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, I. García-Jurado, A. van den Nouweland.
Title: Game theoretical properties of the truncated-core.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo.
Title: A characterization of obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo, G. Bergantiños.
Title: Generalized obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
56th Session of the International Statistical Institute
Lisboa (Portugal), Agosto de 2007 - Author(s): M. J. Lombardía, S. Sperlich.
Title: Smooth Transition from Fixed to Mixed Effects Models.
- Author(s): E. M. Molanes López.
Title: Bootstrap bandwidth selectors for the relative density.
- Author(s): P. Galeano, M. C. Ausín.
Title: A Bayesian Approach to Value at Risk Estimation Via Multivariate GARCH Models with Gaussian Mixture Innovations.
- Author(s): M. C. Ausín, J. M. Vilar, R. Cao, C. González-Fragueiro.
Title: Bayesian Analysis of Aggregate Loss Models.
- Author(s): P. Faraldo-Roca, R. M. Crujeiras, M. J. Lombardía, C. L. Iglesias-Patiño, S. Naya-Fernández, J. M. Matías-Fernández, B. Fernández-de Castro.
Title: Transition from higher education to labour market: graduates and employers perspectivas.
- Author(s): R. Cao, J. Díaz, A. Labora, S. Naya, M. Ríos.
Title: Cartoon (Hi)stories of Statistics.
- Author(s): M. A. Jácome Pumar.
Title: Presmoothed estimation of the density function with truncated and censored data.
56th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI 2007)
Lisboa, del 22 al 29 de Agosto de 2007 - Author(s): M. J. Lombardía, S. Sperlich.
Title: Smooth Transition from Fixed to Mixed Effects Models.
- Congreso Franco-Español del Suelo Pélvico y Pelviperineología
San Sebastián, España, 11/10/2007-13/10/2007 - Author(s): M. A. Jácome Pumar, E. Ruiz Calero, A. Meuleón García.
Title: Valoración funcional del suelo pélvico.
- Día Español Alemán de la Estadística y Econometría
Gottigen (Alemania), 19 de Julio del 2007 - Author(s): W. González-Manteiga, M. J. Lombardía, I. Molina, D. Morales, L. Santamaría.
Title: Small Area Estimation under Fay-Herriot Models with Nonparametric Estimation of Heteroscedasticity.
Fifth workshop on bayesian inference in stochastic processes (BISP5)
Valencia, 14 a 16 de junio de 2007 - Author(s): M. C. Ausín, M. P. Wiper, R. E. Lillo.
Title: Bayesian estimation of finite time ruin probabilities.
- Author(s): P. Galeano, M. C. Ausín.
Title: Bayesian inference for multivariate GARCH models with Gaussian mixture innovations.
Forum Orienta 07
Santiago de Compostela, 24 a 27 de Abril de 2007 - Author(s): S. Naya.
Title: ¿Cómo se construye un barco?.
- Fourth Meeting of the Spanish Network on Social Choice (FMSNSC)
Vigo (España), 16 - 17 de Noviembre de 2007 - Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo y S. Lorenzo-Freire.
Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems.
México, 1 a 5 de Agosto de 2007 - Author(s): S. Naya.
Title: Haciendo uso de la historia para enseñar cálculo de probabilidades.
- II Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory
Foggia, Italia, 1/1/2007-1/1/2007 - Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo.
Title: On a characterization of the obligation rules.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo.
Title: Optimistic weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree.
IX Evento Internacional MATECOMPU2007 (MATECOMPU2007)
Matanzas (Cuba), 4 a 8 de Diciembre de 2007 - Author(s): S. Naya.
Title: La simulación como herramienta para problemas de fiabilidad.
- Logicm Game Theory & Social Choice
Bilbao, España, 22/6/2007-22/6/2007 - Author(s): L. Lorenzo, S. M. Lorenzo Freire.
Title: Generalized obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): L. Freire, S. M. Lorenzo Freire.
Title: Generalice obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
Materiais 2007
Porto (Portugal), 1 a 4 de Abril de 2007 - Author(s): A. Varela, A. García, J. L. Mier, R. Artiaga, S. Zaragoza, S. Naya.
Title: Behaviour under wear of a ductil cast iron containing boron subjected to different heat treatments.
- Author(s): F. Barbadillo, A. Fuentes, S. Naya, R. Cao, J.L. Mier, R. Artiaga.
Title: Study of the degradation of a polyesther-polyurethane by TGA and the logistic mixture model.
- Author(s): S. Naya, S. Martinez-Vilariño, R. Artiaga, D. Hui, J. Zhou .
Title: Factorial design applied to nanoclay-epoxy permeability.
- Operational Research Peripatetic Post-Graduate Programm
Guimaraes, Portugal, 1/1/2007-1/1/2007 - Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo.
Title: A characterization of obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, J. M. Alonso Mejide, B. Casas Méndez, M. J. Holler.
Title: Computing power indices: multilinear extensions and new characterizations.
Probability and Statistics in Science and Technology, A Bernoulli Society satellite meeting of ISI 2007
Porto (Portugal), 30 de agosto a 1 de septiembre de 2007 - Author(s): R. Cao, E. Molanes, I. Van Keilegom.
Title: A two sample test via empirical likelihood for left truncated and right censored data.
- Author(s): R. Cao, E. Molanes.
Title: Relative density estimation for left truncated and right censored data.
- Author(s): R. Cao, E. Molanes.
Title: Distributional comparisons using relative curves. Two real data applications regarding prostate and gastric cancer.
V Congreso Nacional de Epidemiologia
Lisboa (Portugal), 14 a 16 de noviembre de 2007 - Author(s): M. X. Rodríguez-Álvarez, I. López de Ullibarri, R. M. Crujeiras, M. Botana-López, M. A. Tomé, C. Cadarso-Suárez.
Title: Efectos relacionados con el sexo y la edad en la capacidad de discriminación de medidas antropométricas en la detección de factores de riesgo cardiovascular .
VIII Congreso Galego de Estatistica e Investigacion de Operacions
Santiago de compostela, 8 a 10 de Noviembre de 2007 - Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo.
Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, B. Casas Méndez, R. Hendrickx.
Title: The two-stage constrained equal awards rule for multi-issue allocation situations.
- Author(s): R. Fernández-Casal, R. M. Crujeiras.
Title: Métodos de estimación da dependencia de procesos continuos basados na FFT.
- Author(s): M. L.Carpente, B. Casas, G. Fiestras, I. García-Jurado, C. Jácome, J. Puerto.
Title: A model and heuristic algorithms for solving a time optimization problem in an agricultural cooperative.
- Author(s): S. Naya, A. Fuentes .
Title: Control estadístico de procesos frente a control ingenieril de procesos. Dos técnicas complementarias.
- Author(s): S. Naya Fernández, V. Carreira Figueiras, R. M. Crujeiras Casais, P. Faraldo Roca, B. M. Fernández de Castro, M. J. Lombardía Cortiña, J. M. Matías Fernández.
Title: Empregabilidade dos titulados nas universidades galegas.
- Author(s): R. Cao, J. M. Vilar, A. Devia.
Title: Modelización Estadística del Riesgo de Crédito.
- Winter School
Gottingen (Alemania), Diciembre 2007 - Author(s): M. J. Lombardía.
Title: Small Area Estimation: Labour Force Participation .
- Workshop on Robust and Nonparametric Statistical Inference (WRNSI)
Hejnice (República Checa), 1 – 6 de septiembre de 2007 - Author(s): E. Strzalkowska-Kominiak.
Title: The statistical analysis of truncated and censored data under serial dependence.
Workshop on Statistical Inference for Dependent Data
Bélgica, 26 a 27 de abril de 2007 - Author(s): E.M. Molanes, I. Van Keilegom, R. Cao.
Title: Two-sample problem via empirical likelihood for left truncated and right censored data.
- XI Conferencia Española y 1er Encuentro Iberoamericano de Biometría
Salamanca, 20 a 22 de Junio de 2007 - Author(s): G. Aneiros, P. Vieu.
Title: Semi-functional time series prediction, with application to ozone concentration forecasting.
- XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología
Albacete, Noviembre 2007 - Author(s): F. López-Granados, J.M. Peña-Barragán, M. Jurado-Expósito, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Cao, A. Alonso-Betanzos, Fontenla-Romero.
Title: Clasificación de firmas espectrales de trigo, Avena sterilis, Phalaris brachystachis, Lolium rigidum y Polypogon monspeliensis aplicando análisis lineal, no paramétrico y redes neuronales.
XXII International Workshop of Statistical Modelling (IWSM)
Barcelona, 2 a 6 de julio de 2007 - Author(s): M. X. Rodríguez-Álvarez, I. López de Ullibarri, C. Cadarso-Suárez.
Title: Comparing different approaches to regression analysis of Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. An application to endocrinology data.
XXX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa
Valladolid, 25 a 28 de Septiembre de 2007 - Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, L. Lorenzo.
Title: A characterization of obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): M. A. Jácome Pumar.
Title: Nonparametric estimation of crude cumulative hazards for missing population marks.
- Author(s): S. M. Lorenzo Freire, G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo.
Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems.
- Author(s): F. Briata, J. González Díaz, F. Patrone and I. García Jurado.
Title: Essentializing equilibrium concepts.
- Author(s): R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal.
Title: Estimación espectral mediante FFT de covarianzas sesgadas.
- Author(s): F. López-Granados, J. M. Peña-Barragán, M. Jurado-Expósito, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Cao, A. Alonso-Betanzos y O. Fontenla-Romero.
Title: Multispectral classification of grass weeds and wheat (Triticum durum) crop using linear and nonparametric functional discriminant analysis and neural networks.
- Author(s): M. L. Carpente, B. Casas, G. Fiestras, I. García-Jurado, C. Jácome, J. Puerto.
Title: Optimization of orders and routes for a harvester in an agricultural cooperative. Model and algorithms.
- XXXII Simposio de Análisis Económico (SAE)
Gramada (España), 13 - 15 de Diciembre de 2007 - Author(s): G. Bergantiños, L. Lorenzo y S. Lorenzo-Freire.
Title: The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems.