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Artigos no 1998
- I. López de Ullibarri, S. Pita Fernández, A. Martínez Bugallo. Evolución y predicción de la demanda de urgencias del complejo Hospitalario Juan Canalejo de A Coruña, Cadernos de Atención Primaria, 5 (1998) , 4 , 198-202.
- J. M. Vilar, J. A. Vilar. Recursive estimation of regresion functions by local polynomial fitting, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 50 (1998) , 4 , 729-754.
- M. C. Rodríguez-Campos, W. González-Manteiga, R. Cao. Testing the hypothesis of a generalized linear regression model using nonparametric regression estimation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 67 (1998) , 99-122.
- M. J. Lombardía, C. Cadarso-Suárez, A. Figueiras. Pointwise confidence bands for the relative risk in the continuous covariate case, American Journal of Epidemiology, 147 (1998) , S83-S83.
- W. Stute, W. González-Manteiga, M. Presedo. Bootstrap approximations in model checks for regresion, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93 (1998) , 441 , 141-149.