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Artigos no 2007
- A. Esquerda, J. Trujillano, I. López de Ullibarri, S. Bielsa, A. B. Madroñero, J. M. Porcel. Classification tree analysis for the discrimination of pleural exudates and transudates, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 45 (2007) , 1 , 82-87.
- C. Vilar, R. Cao, J. Vilar. AG.LOSS una aplicación informática para la predicción en modelos de pérdida agregada, Revista Gerencia de Riesgos y Seguros, 99 (2007) , 23-41.
- F. Barbadillo, A. Fuentes, S. Naya, R. Cao, J.L. Mier, R. Artiaga. Evaluating the logistic mixture model on real and simulated TG curves, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 87 (2007) , 1 , 223-227.
- I. Molina, Saei Ayoub, M. J. Lombardía. Small area estimates of labor force participation under a multinomial logit mixed model, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (2007) , 4 , 975-1000.
- J. M. Vilar, J. A. Vilar, W. González . Bootstrap tests for nonparametric comparison of regression curves with dependent errors, Test, 16 (2007) , 1 , 123-145.
- M. A. Jácome, R. Cao. Almost sure asymptotic representation for the presmoothed distribution and density estimators for censored data, Statistics, 41 (2007) , 517-534.
- M. C. Ausín. Queues in Reliability. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Wiley, (2007) , 1550 - 1554.
- M. C. Ausín. An introduction to quadrature and other numerical integration techniques, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Wiley, (2007) , 1521-1526.
- M. C. Ausín, Hedibert F. Lopes. Bayesian estimation of ruin probabilities with a heterogeneous and heavy-tailed insurance claim distribution, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49 (2007) , 4 , 415-434.
- M. C. Ausín, M. P. Wiper, R. E. Lillo. Bayesian prediction of the transient behaviour and busy period in short and long-tailed GI/G/1 queueing systems, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, (2007) .
- M. C. Ausín, P. Galeano. Bayesian estimation of the Gaussian mixture GARCH model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51 (2007) , 2636-2652.
- M. C. Ausín, R. E. Lillo, M. P. Wiper. Bayesian control of the number of servers in a GI/M/c queueing system, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007) , 3043 í¢â‚¬â€œ 3057.
- M. Pimentel Pereira, G. Estévez-Pérez, E. Sahuqillo Balbuena. European sweet vernal grasses (Anthoxanthum: Poaceae, Pooideae, Aveneae): A morphometric taxonomical approach, Systematic Botany. 32 (2007) , 1 , 43-59.
- R. Artiaga, R. Cao, S. Naya. Separation of overlapping processes from TGA data and verification by EGA, TECHNIQUES IN THERMAL ANALYSIS: HYPHENATED TECHNIQUES, THERMAL ANALYSIS OF THE SURFACE, AND FAST RATE ANALYSIS. (2007) , 60-71.
- R. Cao, I. López. Product-type and presmoothed hazard rate estimators with censored data. Extended version, Test, 16 (2007) , 355-382.
- R. Cao, J. M. Vilar. Nonparametric forecasting in time series. A comparative study errors., Communications in Statistics / Simulation and Computation, 36 (2007) , 311-334.
- R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal, W. González-Manteiga. Comparing spatial dependence structures using spectral density estimators, Environmetrics, 18 (2007) , 7 , 793-808.
- S. M. Lorenzo Freire, J. M. Alonso Meijide, B. Casas Méndez, M. G. Fiestras Janeiro. Characterizations fo the Deegan-packel and Johnston power indices, European Journal of Operational Research. (2007) , 177 , 431-444.
- S. M. Lorenzo Freire, J. M. Alonso Meijide, B. Casas Méndez, Ruud Hendrickx,. Balanced contributions for TU games with awards and applications, European Journal of Operational Research. (2007) , 182 , 958-964.
- S. Naya. Fiabilidade. O último elo da Calidade, Revista de la Asociación Gallega de Profesores de Matemáticas, (2007) , 5 .
- W. González-Manteiga, M. J. Lombardía, I. Molina, D. Morales, L. Santamaría. Estimation of the Mean Squared Error of Predictors of Small Area Parameters under a Logistic Mixed Model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51 (2007) , 2720-2733.