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Artigos no 2007

  1. A. Esquerda, J. Trujillano, I. López de Ullibarri, S. Bielsa, A. B. Madroñero, J. M. Porcel. Classification tree analysis for the discrimination of pleural exudates and transudates, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 45 (2007) , 1 , 82-87.
  2. C. Vilar, R. Cao, J. Vilar. AG.LOSS una aplicación informática para la predicción en modelos de pérdida agregada, Revista Gerencia de Riesgos y Seguros, 99 (2007) , 23-41.
  3. F. Barbadillo, A. Fuentes, S. Naya, R. Cao, J.L. Mier, R. Artiaga. Evaluating the logistic mixture model on real and simulated TG curves, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 87 (2007) , 1 , 223-227.
  4. I. Molina, Saei Ayoub, M. J. Lombardí­a. Small area estimates of labor force participation under a multinomial logit mixed model, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society), 170 (2007) , 4 , 975-1000.
  5. J. M. Vilar, J. A. Vilar, W. González . Bootstrap tests for nonparametric comparison of regression curves with dependent errors, Test, 16 (2007) , 1 , 123-145.
  6. M. A. Jácome, R. Cao. Almost sure asymptotic representation for the presmoothed distribution and density estimators for censored data, Statistics, 41 (2007) , 517-534.
  7. M. C. Ausí­n. Queues in Reliability. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Wiley, (2007) , 1550 - 1554.
  8. M. C. Ausí­n. An introduction to quadrature and other numerical integration techniques, Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, Wiley, (2007) , 1521-1526.
  9. M. C. Ausí­n, Hedibert F. Lopes. Bayesian estimation of ruin probabilities with a heterogeneous and heavy-tailed insurance claim distribution, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49 (2007) , 4 , 415-434.
  10. M. C. Ausí­n, M. P. Wiper, R. E. Lillo. Bayesian prediction of the transient behaviour and busy period in short and long-tailed GI/G/1 queueing systems, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, (2007) .
  11. M. C. Ausí­n, P. Galeano. Bayesian estimation of the Gaussian mixture GARCH model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51 (2007) , 2636-2652.
  12. M. C. Ausí­n, R. E. Lillo, M. P. Wiper. Bayesian control of the number of servers in a GI/M/c queueing system, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007) , 3043 í¢â‚¬â€œ 3057.
  13. M. Pimentel Pereira, G. Estévez-Pérez, E. Sahuqillo Balbuena. European sweet vernal grasses (Anthoxanthum: Poaceae, Pooideae, Aveneae): A morphometric taxonomical approach, Systematic Botany. 32 (2007) , 1 , 43-59.
  14. R. Artiaga, R. Cao, S. Naya. Separation of overlapping processes from TGA data and verification by EGA, TECHNIQUES IN THERMAL ANALYSIS: HYPHENATED TECHNIQUES, THERMAL ANALYSIS OF THE SURFACE, AND FAST RATE ANALYSIS. (2007) , 60-71.
  15. R. Cao, I. López. Product-type and presmoothed hazard rate estimators with censored data. Extended version, Test, 16 (2007) , 355-382.
  16. R. Cao, J. M. Vilar. Nonparametric forecasting in time series. A comparative study errors., Communications in Statistics / Simulation and Computation, 36 (2007) , 311-334.
  17. R. M. Crujeiras, R. Fernández-Casal, W. González-Manteiga. Comparing spatial dependence structures using spectral density estimators, Environmetrics, 18 (2007) , 7 , 793-808.
  18. S. M. Lorenzo Freire, J. M. Alonso Meijide, B. Casas Méndez, M. G. Fiestras Janeiro. Characterizations fo the Deegan-packel and Johnston power indices, European Journal of Operational Research. (2007) , 177 , 431-444.
  19. S. M. Lorenzo Freire, J. M. Alonso Meijide, B. Casas Méndez, Ruud Hendrickx,. Balanced contributions for TU games with awards and applications, European Journal of Operational Research. (2007) , 182 , 958-964.
  20. S. Naya. Fiabilidade. O último elo da Calidade, Revista de la Asociación Gallega de Profesores de Matemáticas, (2007) , 5 .
  21. W. González-Manteiga, M. J. Lombardí­a, I. Molina, D. Morales, L. Santamarí­a. Estimation of the Mean Squared Error of Predictors of Small Area Parameters under a Logistic Mixed Model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51 (2007) , 2720-2733.