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Artigos en 2016

  1. Alonso-Meijide, J.M., Casas-Méndez, B., González-Rueda, A.M., Lorenzo-Freire, S. The Owen and Banzhaf-Owen values revisited, Optimization, 65 (2016), 6, 1277-1291.
  2. Álvarez, A., Tarrío-Saavedra, J., Zaragoza, S., López-Beceiro, J., Artiaga, R., Naya, S., Álvarez, B. Numerical and experimental study of a corrugated thermal collector, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 8 (2016), 41-50.
  3. Aneiros, G., Vieu, P. Comments on: Probability enhanced effective dimension reduction for classifying sparse functional data, Test, 25 (2016), 27-32.
  4. B. Lafuente-Rego, J. A. Vilar. Clustering of time series using quantile autocovariances, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 10 (2016), 3, 391-415.
  5. Bandyopadhyay, D. and Jácome, M.A. Comparing conditional survival functions with missing population marks in a competing risks model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 95 (2016), 150-160.
  6. Daniel López, Juan M. Vilar, Marta E. Losa, Carlos Álvarez, Carlos Romero, Matilde García, Ricardo Becerro. Safety and effectiveness of cantharidin–podophylotoxin–salicylic acid in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar warts, Dermatologic Therapy, 29 (2016), 4, 269-273.
  7. Daniel López, Juan M. Vilar, Marta E. Losa, Carlos Álvarez, César Calvo, José Ramos, Ricardo Becerro. Influence of Depression in a Sample of People with Hallux Valgus, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25 (2016), 6, 574-578.
  8. Ferraty, F. - Quintela del Río, A. Conditional VaR and Expected Shortfall: a new functional approach, Econometric Reviews, 35 (2016), 2, 263-292.
  9. Germán Aneiros, Juan M. Vilar, Paula Raña. Short-term forecast of daily curves of electricity demand and price, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 80 (2016), 96-108.
  10. Germán Aneiros, Philippe Vieu. Modèle non-paramétrique parcimonieux pour la détection des points d'impact d'une variable fonctionnelle, Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 354 (2016), 5, 538-542.
  11. Germán Aneiros, Philippe Vieu. Sparse Nonparametric Model for Regression with Functional Covariate, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28 (2016), 4, 839-859.
  12. Graciela Estévez-Pérez, Jose M. Andrade, Rand R. Wilcox. Bootstrap Approach To Compare the Slopes of Two Calibrations When Few Standards Are Available, Analytical Chemistry, 88 (2016), 4, 2289-2295.
  13. Inés Barbeito, Ricardo Cao. Smoothed stationary bootstrap bandwidth selection for density estimation with dependent data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 104 (2016), 130-147.
  14. J. Costa. A polynomial expression for the Owen value in the maintenance cost game, Optimization, 65 (2016), 797-809.
  15. J.L. Gonzalez-Andujar, M. Francisco-Fernandez, R. Cao, M. Reyes, J.M. Urbano, F. Forcella, F. Bastida. A comparative study between non-linear regression and non-parametric approaches for modelling Phalaris paradoxa seedling emergence, Weed Research, 56 (2016), 367-376.
  16. Jácome, M.A and López-de-Ullibarri, I. Bandwidth selection for the presmoothed logrank test, Statistics and Probability Letters, 117 (2016), 151-157.
  17. Janeiro-Arocas, J., Tarrío-Saavedra, J., López-Beceiro, J., Naya, S., López-Canosa, A., Heredia-García, N., Artiaga, R. Creep analysis of silicone for podiatry applications, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 63 (2016), 456-469.
  18. Juan M. Vilar, Paula Raña, Germán Aneiros. Using robust FPCA to identify outliers in functional time series, with applications to the electricity market, SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 40 (2016), 2, 321-348.
  19. López-Beceiro, Jorge; Álvarez-García, Ana; Sebio-Puñal, Teresa; Zaragoza-Fernández, Sonia; Álvarez-García, Begoña; Díaz-Díaz, Ana; Janeiro, Julia; Artiaga, Ramón. Kinetics of Thermal Degradation of Cellulose: Analysis Based on Isothermal and Linear Heating Data, BioResources, 11 (2016), 5870-5888.
  20. Lorenzo-Freire, S. On new characterizations of the Owen value, Operations Research Letters, 44 (2016), 4, 491-494.
  21. M. Boubeta, M.J. Lombardía and D. Morales. Empirical best prediction under area-level Poisson mixed models, Test, 25 (2016), 3, 548-569.
  22. M. Francisco-Fernández, A. Quintela-del-Río. Comparing simultaneous and pointwise confidence intervals for hydrological processes, PLoS ONE, 11 (2016), 2, 1-28.
  23. M. Reyes, M. Francisco-Fernández, R. Cao. Nonparametric kernel density estimation for general grouped data, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28 (2016), 2, 235-249.
  24. Miguel Boubeta, María José Lombardía, Wenceslao González-Manteiga, Manuel Francisco Marey-Pérez. Burned area prediction with semiparametric models, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25 (2016), 6, 669-678.
  25. Naya, S., Devia-Rivera, A., Tarrío-Saavedra, J., Flores, M. New robust capability ratios approaches for quality control, DYNA, 83 (2016), 94-101.
  26. Paula Raña, Germán Aneiros, Juan Manuel Vilar, Philippe Vieu. Bootstrap confidence intervals in functional nonparametric regression under dependence, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10 (2016), 2, 1973-1999.
  27. Raña, P., Pérez Ríos, M., Santiago-Pérez, M.I. and Crujeiras, R. Impact of a comprehensive law on the prevalence of tobacco consumption in Spain: evaluation of different scenario, Public Health, 138 (2016), 41-49.
  28. V. Tuset, M. Ferré, J. Otero-Ferrer, J.A. Vilar, B. Morales-Lin, A. Lombarte. Testing otolith morphology for measuring marine fish biodiversity, Marine & Freshwater Research, 67 (2016), 7, 1037-1048.